Part-1, Introduction.

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   Mathilde was a pretty and charming girl, born, as if by an error of fate,into a family of clerks. She had no means of becoming known, understood, loved or to be wedded to an aristocrat; and so she let herself be married to a minor officer at the ministry of Education.
     She dressed plainly, because she had never been able to afford anything better. She suffered endlessly, feeling she was entitled to all the luxuries of life. She suffered because of her shabby, poorly furnished house. All these things, that another woman of her class wouldn't even have noticed, tormented her and made her resentful. She dreamed of a grand, palatial mansion, with vast rooms and inviting smaller rooms, perfumed for afternoon chats with close friends.
   Yet, she had no rich dresses, no jewels, nothing; and these were only things she loved. She wanted so much charm, to be envied, to be sought after.
————End of part-I————
A/N- please don't hate me for the errors and the grammar mistakes b'coz this is my first story published on wattpad and one more thing, the original author of these story is
‛Guy de Maupassant’. So I just tried to tell you this story from my words, So my next chapter will be updated tomorrow, so till then  goodbye.

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