Sober!Gamzee x Reader

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You were running. Running from the only person who ever loved you. The only person you ever trusted. The only person who truly understood you and cheered you up. Gamzee Makara, Your matesprit.

He was going crazy. No, not crazy, insane. You didn't want to admit it but it was true. He was going on a murderous rampage killing every living thing in sight. You were lucky you got away from him and made it into the forest but being chased in the forests made it even worse. Every way you turned you thought you saw the tall slim juggalo and you swore you could hear faint honks from the distance.

Climbing up a tree, you decide to rest for a few minutes but not any longer because you knew that he could pop up anywhere at any time. "honk" You told yourself that you were only hearing things but you knew what was about to happen. You knew it. "HONK honk HONK." Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck you knew he was near. You shivered in fear thinking of what he would do when he found you. Images if him beating you with the juggling clubs and ripping your body apart, using your blood as paint flashed thru your head over and over again. "___ WHERE THE MOTHERFUCK ARE YOU?" You felt warm (B/C) tears run down your face. You knew what had to be done.

"Come out sis. I JUST WANT TO MOTHERFUCKIN PLAY!" You could see him just a few feet away from the tall tree you were hiding in. Even if you got away from the tall, slim, crazed clown, you knew you couldn't go on. He was your everything. He was the only person who could make you smile. You tried to think if the good things in your life before proceeding with your plan. You remember the first time you met him. He was so adorable with his little honks here and there and his makeup. You can't stall any longer. You have to do it.

You jump out from the tree, a few feet away from Gamzee. "There you are motherfucker, WHY THE MOTHERFUCK ARE YOU TRYING TO RUN AWAY?" The clown towered over you pushing you to the ground. You smiled, thinking of the fun you had together before this. "why you looking so happy? WHAT'S SO MOTHERFUCKING GREAT?" "I just love you, Gamz. I just needed you to know that before I left" He looked at you at first with a look of confusion, then an evil grin grew onto his face. "Well then goodbye sis." He crouched down to whisper into your ear. "I never loved you." you tried to hug him one last time but he pushed you off. You laid there on the ground waiting for your fate. You open your eyes for the last time right before he sent his club smashing down into your skull. killing you instantly.

"Goodbye Gamzee." You thought to yourself right before your vision blurred to nothing but black. Goodbye.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2014 ⏰

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