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The color of the dress i wore that night we
met. You saw me from across the room while holding a glass of wine with the same color. The color of imaginary heart surronding me as i saw you walking your way toward me and the exact same color of your lips after you kissed me that night.

The exact same color of my face as i saw you holding her in your arm. Her bright hair also have the same color, i notice this as i saw your hand caressing them. I couldn't see our ring in your finger. The ring i slipped on your finger after you did the same to my finger. What i could see though, is the same stare you gave me the night we met, who right now you give to her. All the world around me suddenly had this bright color that reflect in my teared eyes.

I see the same color weeks after that. I see it in the knife that i'm holding. I also see it in your girl's body who's now lying in our stained bedsheet. She is not moving. She won't be able to anymore.

Now, i kinda like this color. I want to see it more. Should I buy a new dress or kill a new girl?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2019 ⏰

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