Chapter 1

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Taehyung is tired of it.

He's tired of being constantly ignored. By Kim Seokjin. Taehyung doesn't like him. No, not at all. But he wants to fuck him. Fuck him up a wall, in the practice room, in the bathroom, and kitchen. Just EVERYWHERE their feet touch. He wants to touch him until he screams out to the gods. Seokjin's voice is so precious and he's so innocent. Taehyung would like to be the one to change that.

Taehyung stared across the room to a windshield wiping laugh. Seokjin looked so heavenly. He had pink hair, a white medium shirt, blue jeans and gold Nike's. He looked so pale and had no scars whatsoever. Taehyung wants to give him a scar. Lately, Taehyung grown taller, taller then Seokjin and his strength matches Jungkook since they both work out together. Anytime, Taehyung would like to bully Seokjin, like pick him up, say the obviousness of his tallness, say he's the hyung so Seokjin could call him it. And jesus when he does Taehyung gets a huge boner.

He's not embarrassed of it either. He looked over to see Jin and Jungkook bickering.

"Just admit it! I'm stronger and bigger! Call me hyung!"

"No, Jungkook~ah! Stay in your lane! I'm always going to be older then you!"

"God, you old people!"


"No, old man! Your older then the ancient gods!"

"Dang it, Kookie! Shut up, you kid! Your always starting arguments with me! You, Jimin and Taehyung~ah!"

Taehyung and Jimin glared at him."Don't bring us into it!" Taehyung said angrily and everyone looked at him surprised."Taehyung? What's wr-" Taehyung cut Jin off."Nothing! I'm going to the dorm!" he stormed off. Jin called after him. Taehyung was frustrated so much. He walked in his room and closed the door, forgetting to fucking lock it.

He laid down and palmed his member. He let out a growl. The door slammed open and Jin stared in shock at him."T-taehyung?" he stuttered. Taehyung looked at him angrily and sat up."Why the fuck are you in my room?! You can't be storming in peoples room like that!" he said and stood up. Jin was speechless as Taehyung towered over him. Jin gulped, he learned to be scared of 4 people in the group. Jungkook, Taehyung, Jimin and Hoseok. They all towered over him and were mean sometimes to him. Jin swore he thought he was the maknae now."Hello?! Answer me Jinnie-hyung!" Jin looked at him."W-well, me and J-jungkookie wanted to m-make sure you was o-okay. Even though y-you snapped at me- YAH! WHAT ARE Y-YOU DOING, T-TAEHYUNG-AH!?!" Taehyung slammed the door shut and locked it. Taehyung slammed him into the wall and got harder at his face. He wanted Seokjin to be scared and in pain."Taeh-"


Jin looked at him surprised but didn't say anything."Fuck. I'm sorry for this. And for tonight." he softly stated and connected their lips, Seokjin trying to push away.

Taehyung pinned his arms above his head. He licked his bottom lip for entrance and Seokjin hesitated. He slowly opened his mouth and Taehyung darted in with a smirk. He switched both of Seokjin's hands in one of his huge hands. He trailed the now free hand slowly to his neck and slightly gripped it. Seokjin stuttered in his breath."T-taehyung-ah." he whispered and Taehyung gave him a box smile of approval.

              Seokjin's POV

To be honest, I was confused. One minute he's mad, next he does this. What made him attack me? Like why? I gritted my teeth and stared at Taehyung's mischievous eyes."Stop! I don't want this, Taehyung~ah." Taehyung gave me an 'Do It Look Like I Care?' face."I'm going to make you scream with that beautiful voice of yours~" My eyes widened and I started struggling more."W-wait, no! Taehyung stop! I'm loyal to Kookie!" Taehyung froze and looked up at him, fire apparent in his eyes."WHAT?" he growled and I flinched."Kookie, he likes me...." Taehyung stepped back with his head down and a terrifying aura around him."Do not speak of this, don't come near me, don't worry about me, don't talk to or about me, keep my name out your mouth, don't even fucking look at me. Got it?" Seokjin hesitated and looked away."W-wh-"


               Normal Pov

Seokjin nodded quickly and ran to the door, stepping out and closing the door in fear. Taehyung screamed and laid down, his anger getting the best of him. He punched a hole in the wall and broke his bed, going on a rampage.

I mean, his crush has someone else. The fucking Maknae. How did Jungkook get to him first? Taehyung calmed down and fell asleep, his body shaking furiously from anger.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2017 ⏰

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