Cap.1- Completely normal life

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Well my life was completely normal I lived in a good city (Sydney), had good friends, good grades, was a cheerleader, was popular, had a lot of family stability and had just made my 17 years, my rich 17.

  I have to start by saying that my party was one of the best things I had ever seen, it was in a hall, with a pool full of balloons, where I was sent automatically when I arrived. We drink, we fill more balloons and we repeat until the many of the morning.

  Despite all this I was single but suitors were not lacking, but I had not yet found such. Every year on Valentine's Day, I received more than five anonymous letters, all of them saying the same thing. "You're very pretty, I wish I knew you. Call me," though I never called them, but I always kept Letters, were very dear but if they wanted to meet me it had to be for something more and not only because I was beautiful.

  After a few months, I had the last training of the claque before a great game of basketball, that day my parents (Claire and Louis) had been married for years, my brother and I (Niall) insisted with them to go to dinner outside. After all, I would be late and Niall would see the game.

  When the game was over I was ripped off just wanted to meet me with my friend bed. Until my brother sends a message to our parents saying that we're already home. None answered and I started to get worried.

-Do not worry, they must have gone to a hotel.

  Although she was full of sleep, she had to have dinner and then Niall decided to call a pizzeria. While we waited for the pizza we turned on the TV, and were surprised by a news of a car accident near the restaurant where our parents had gone to dinner. But of course I did not have the command and my brother seemed like a nutcase to go through all the channels, until I stopped on the MTV channel just because the pizza had already arrived.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2017 ⏰

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