The Dead

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I stood there in the chilled roman catholic cathedral , my arms froze and my limbs felt fatigued . my eyes seemed to be the source of some colossal river. my ears drooped as if they were those of a dog. my heart pounded slowly as I watched the lifeless body of my father. His face was blanched and his cheeks were dim. I had to accept the fact that my dad was gone, he was never coming back. despite the hundreds of people who attended the funeral , I felt as if I was alone in a vacant closing, battered with suffrage and pain. I didn't think that life had any meaning at all, if it were to be taken away. The air got colder and my heart got heavier, my sorrow had overwhelmed me. Daddy why did you have to leave me?   I listen slowly to the melancholic sounds coming for The frail voices of the choir members,  it was blended with the raspy sounds of boys, girls, women and men weeping and yelping my father's name. I rose the wet tissue paper to my eyes drying up the tears that  accumulated at the corners . i watched as they slammed shut the polished red wood casket.  The pallbearers hurried the casket along the church corridor toward the hearse.i rose to my feet and followed the crowd outside. I  entered the my black and white TOYOTA ACCORD and followed the hearse to the burial site. it had been about 9:45pm and I was getting quite weary. my eyes started to get really heavy but i had to keep up because i was still driving. when i got to about st.cathrine i fell asleep the car twisted and turned until suddenly i wasv totally blocked out.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2014 ⏰

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