One Year

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On their one year wedding anniversary, Sandy and Spongebob found out that they we're going to have a baby.

Spongebob: Let's go tell Squidward Sandy!!

Sandy: I don't know... Squidward has been a bit weird lately...

Spongebob: You're right, let's go tell my best pal, Patrick!!!

*Ten minutes later*

Patrick: Hi Spongebob! Sandy!

Spongebob: Hi Patrick! Me and Sandy bees to tell you something.

Patrick: Hmm... *strokes chin* I know!

Sandy: You do?!?!

Patrick: *angrily* Yeah I do know!!!!

Spongebob: Well, I hope you don't mind being there for us still.. *frowns*

Patrick: HOW CAN I TRUST YOU AFTER YOU ATE MY SANDWICH!? *gets even madder*

Sandy: *laughs* Patrick we didn't eat your sandwich!

Patrick: You didn't?

Spongebob: No, the news was Sandy's having a baby!

Patrick: I'm gonna be Uncle Patty!?

Sandy: Yeppers! I need to send my folks in Texas a letter about the news..

Patrick: We could blow bubbles together with your baby, Spongebob!

Spongebob: Ooh! And Jelly fishing!

Spongebob: A New Generation (We Found Love Continued)Where stories live. Discover now