All These Pretty Things

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I bound in through the door enthusiastically, roaring his name.

''Robbie!! Rob, where are you?'' I say loudly as I begin to check all the rooms along the hallway.

Living room - Nope.

Piano room - Nope.

Downstairs bathroom - Nope.

Where is he?

''Roooob? Where are you, babe?'' I call as I pull open the door to the kitchen to find him sitting at the kitchen table, nursing a cup of tea and flicking through the paper.

''Rob!? Guess what? You won't even believe what just happened?!''

Rob gets to his feet and a mixture of worry and excitement washes over his face.

''Woah woah, Gaz. Calm down. Tell me what happened? Is everything OK?'' he asks me as he directs me to a chair and indicates me to sit down, but I kindly refuse.

I'm too excited to sit down and I need to let this out. I need to tell someone.

''I just off the phone with Polydor, and you won't believe it! My album went straight in at Number 2!''

I roar out as Rob's face break into a trademark Robbie Williams grin. He flings his arms around my neck and pulls me closer to him.

''Oh my god, Gaz! Are you serious? That's amazing! I'm so proud of you, gorgeous!''

I nod my head in response as I feel myself begin to well up as all of the emotions that I've kept bottled up from the last solo record I released come to the top and just spill out.

I see Rob smile even more as he once again pulls me into his chest, resting his chin on my head.

''Awh Gaz, come on no tears, babe. I know this is emotional for you, but it was all worth it in the end. Look at you now! Did you ever see yourself getting to where you are now? 'Gary Barlow OBE', 'National Treasure' and 'Heart Throb'? Look at you now!? All that shit in the past, forget about it finally, please?! You have proven everyone wrong and it's about time they got off their high horses and realized that you, Gary Barlow, are not in the slightest bit washed up as a solo artist!''

Wrapping his hands around my cheeks, he pulls me in for a tender and longing kiss which literally takes my breath away. He's right. Fuck everyone who doubted me back then. Look at what I've done since?! Exactly. Fuck. Them!

''Now how about I make you a nice drink while you relax and calm down, then we both go and get ready and then I'm going to take you out to dinner. How's that?'' he says as he plops me down on the couch in the living room and gets down on his hunkers in between my legs.

''That sounds amazing, Robbie. Thank you very much, babe'' I say as I lean forward, pecking him gently on the lips.

''And then later, I'm going to show you just how proud I am of you and how lucky I am to get to call you mine!'' he says standing up, winking at me cheekily as he returns to the kitchen. 


As Robbie and I stumble through the front door hours later, loaded to the brim with the drink from the restaurant, we struggle to get our clothes off as we wrestle with each other and can't keep our hands each other.

''Oh God, Robbie, I love you soooo much'' I slur as my jacket flies to the floor and my shoes collide with the wall as I kick them off.

All These Pretty Things - A CreamCakes OneShotWhere stories live. Discover now