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You and Hakyeon go to a fancy restaurant on your third date, but is it really your style?

The sound of the doorbell makes you jump. Is he already here? You grab your phone and look at the time. 7:55pm. He's 5 minutes early. As much as you want to stay calm, you can't. The butterflies in your stomach are hard to ignore. You put your phone in your bag and run down the stairs quickly. Before you go to the door, you check yourself out in the mirror. You're wearing your fanciest red dress, and even though you're not used to wearing high heels, you feel good in them. Normally you're not too fussy about make-up, but for tonight you bought the most expensive red lipstick you could find. He didn't tell you too much about where you were going, he only said it was very fancy. You take a deep breath and walk to the door. It's time for your third date with Cha Hakyeon.

You grab the door handle and open the door slowly. On your doorstep, you see a tall familiar figure with his back facing you. He's wearing a dark blue suit, it makes your heart flutter. He hasn't turned around yet, so you assume he didn't hear the door opening. You don't want it to get awkward, so you clear your throat to grab his attention. The moment he turns around everything feels like slow motion. His smile multiplies the butterflies in your stomach by 1000. His skin is glowing, and his cheeks are blushy. Taken by surprise once again by his handsomeness. You don't even feel your cheeks heat up, as a soft pink shade spreads across your them. In his hands, he holds a bouquet of red roses. It appears he doesn't know what to say either, because the two of you just stand there staring at each other in awe. "I..." He says, breaking your eye contact by looking down at the flowers. "Hi. These... They're for you." He hands you the bouquet. Still unsure of what to say, you accept the bouquet. "Thank... you." You look at the flowers. "They're beautiful." The right corner of Hakyeons mouth curls into a smile and he nods in agreement. However, to him, it's not the bouquet that looks beautiful tonight.

You put the bouquet in a vase with fresh water and place it on the kitchen counter for now. Later you will put the vase in your room. You walk back to the front door where Hakyeon is waiting for you, but this time inside the house. He smiles to himself when he sees you. You grab your coat from the hanger next to him but before you can put it on, he takes it from you and holds it up for you. You bite the inside of your cheek and look away quickly so he doesn't see you blush. You put your arms through the sleeves and he puts the coat over your shoulders. "Ready to go?" He asks, holding out his arm for you. What is with him today? Why is he extra charming? You feel like your heart might burst out of your chest any minute. "All ready." You say, putting your keys in your bag. You open the door again and grab Hakyeons arm unsurely. He turns his head to look at you and smiles reassuringly. You're going crazy.


When you approach the front doors of the restaurant, the two guards open them for you and welcome you. You nod your head at them gratefully. The first thing you notice inside is a live jazz band, and golden chandeliers hanging from the high ceiling. A waiter in a very expensive looking suit approaches you the moment you walk into the restaurant. "Good evening lady and gent. Have you made a reservation for tonight?" He asks. "Yes, it's under Cha Hakyeon." Hakyeon says. The waiter slides the tip of his pen down his list until he sees his name. He crosses it out. "Would you like me to take that for you?" He holds his hand out at my coat. "Oh... yes? Yes please." You reply. You aren't used to this type of service. The waiter steps forward to help you take your coat off, but before he can, Hakyeon is already standing behind you. He slides the coat down your shoulders and hands it to the waiter with a half smile. "Thank you." The waiter smiles and guides you to your table. "Please follow me."

The table Hakyeon reserved is perfect. It's right by the window, which offers a beautiful night view over the park illuminated by old fashioned street lanterns. You look at the ceiling. There are paintings of angels and clouds all over it. It feels like you're having dinner inside a castle. Your eyes move to the live jazz band, who are playing in the center of the restaurant. The music is calming, and creates a chic atmosphere. Finally, your eyes move to Hakyeon, who was already looking at you when your eyes met. His elbows are resting on the table, and his chin on his hands. "It's very pretty here. You chose a good table." You say, nodding your head. He chuckles to himself. "Are you nervous? On our last date you said you had never been to an expensive restaurant." You shake your head defensively. "I'm not nervous!" You say quickly, avoiding eye contact because you can feel your cheeks heat up again. He puts his hand down on the table, with his palm facing upward. "Hey." He says. When you look back at him, you notice his hand. Your heart skips a beat. You hesitate for a second, but slowly and surely, you place your hand on his. His grip is gentle. "We'll have dessert somewhere else. Deal?" He asks. He gently strokes the top of your hand with his thumb. Damn you, Cha Hakyeon. What are you doing to me. "Deal". You say, feeling more at ease now. The same waiter that greeted you when you arrived, approaches your table with your food and a bottle of champagne. You and Hakyeon pull your hands back. He places everything on the table and pours champagne into your glasses. "Are you having a good evening?" he asks, but he only looks at you. "Yea- Yes, we are." You reply, nodding your head. The waiter smiles at you and steps closer. "If you need anything, let me know." "Actually," Hakyeon says, interrupting him. The waiter steps back immediately and looks at him. "We're not staying for dessert. That's all you'll need to know." He says, with a bitter undertone in his voice. Is he being... protective? "Alright. Enjoy your meal." The waiter says with a smile, walking away. "Bon appetite." Hakyeon says with a smile. "You too, sir." You reply, not even aware of the wide smile on your face.

Although there isn't much food on your huge decorated plate, the taste amazes you. The pasta is really well cooked and the creamy texture of the sauce is perfect. "Mmm." Hakyeon mumbles. By the look on his face it isn't too hard to tell that he's enjoying it. He grabs a bitesize amount of food with his fork. His free hand is cupped underneath the fork as he brings it your way. "Here, try it." he says. You go forward and accept the bite. You instantly nod in approval. "It's great." He looks somewhat satisfied after feeding you, as if he's been waiting all night to do that. You twirl some of your spaghetti around your fork and mimic his action. Carefully, you approach him with your fork, and your free hand underneath it. He accepts your offer happily and also nods in approval when he tastes it. "Mmmh, good." He says. You feel satisfied too, because you'd secretly been hoping to get the chance to feed him too.

The meal didn't last for a very long time, as there was only so little to eat on that huge plate. The two of you have continuously been making eye contact with each other over dinner and the tension has been building up bit by little bit. The two of you have the same lame humor, but it's hard to make jokes in this restaurant because you have to stay 'fancy'. You can't wait to get out of here so you can talk to him without the feeling of being watched by other people. The waiter sees your empty plates and approaches you. "H-" "Wonderful. I'd like to pay now, please bring her coat." Hakyeon says, interrupting the waiter. He's being protective again. You look away and chuckle quietly. "O-of course." The waiter says, hurrying to the entrance to get your coat. When he returns, he automatically gives the coat to Hakyeon instead of you. I'd be intimidated too. "Is it okay if I write a cheque?" He asks, accepting the coat as he gets up. "Of course." The waiter takes a cheque book out of his pocket and hands him a pen. With his free hand, Hakyeon scribbles a few things onto the cheque. He then gives the pen back. "Thank you." He walks over to you and holds your coat up for you. Naturally, you slide your arms into the sleeves. "Have a great evening." the waiter says as you walk out. You feel Hakyeons hand on your lower back. Once again, heat spreads across your cheeks.


"Thank you for the meal. It was very nice." You say. The two of you stroll down the park path. The only light sources tonight are the moon and the street lanterns. He bows his head at you slightly. "My pleasure." He replies. He tries to grab your hand a few times, but every time he pulls back again. You're totally unaware. "To be honest," he says. "The restaurant wasn't my style." Upon hearing that, you chuckle. "It wasn't mine either. Way too fancy." You admit. "So you didn't enjoy, then?" He asks playfully. You instantly regret your poor choice of words. "No no no!" You say quickly. "I enjoyed it very much! You could literally take me to a dollarstore and I would still have a great time. Everything is nice when it's with you." It takes a moment for you to realize what you said. A wildfire of blush spreads across your cheeks once again, but this time you can't hide it because Hakyeon is looking at you. Your heart skips several beats. You only notice that he's stopped walking when he grabs your arm. He pulls you back toward him. You hold your hands up against your chest defensively as you bump against him. He wraps both of his arms around your waist and a small smile forms on his lips when he sees your incredibly pink cheeks. You don't know what to do right now, but deep down you wish you could stay like this forever. To your surprise, what appears to be a snowflake lands on Hakyeons cheek. A few land on your face too. You almost forgot it was winter. "Is that really how you feel?" he asks as more and more snowflakes start to drizzle from the sky. "Ye- Yes..." You say quietly. His smile widens for a moment, then gets replaced by a serious expression. "I'm glad." He says. Time stops. He leans in and brushes his lips over yours gently. Everything feels like a dream. You close your eyes and press your lips against his. He pulls you closer by your waist. The kiss is so magical it almost doesn't feel real. He holds you as if you're the most precious thing in his life as he kisses you gently. Nothing else matters, only this. After a while he pulls back slowly, with a small smile on his lips. You need a few seconds to come back to your senses. When he pulls back, you finally free your arms and your hands naturally go up to his face. You gently wipe the left over snowflake drops off his cheeks. Ever since he grabbed your arm, he hasn't let go of you. For the hundredth time tonight, he makes you smile. "I'm glad, too."

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