The Boy With The Glasses (A Jc Caylen Fanfic)

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Alex POV

Ok so I guess now that your here I have to tell you my whole life story. Whoopdedoo. So I guess I will start with my name. So my names Alex Riley Hampshir. I live in a house of 4 people. Me, my little sister Casey, my mom, and my dad. I have long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. I do gymnastics, cheer, softball, and sometimes I do swimming. I also make youtube videos. I have about 2,000,000 subscribers. I guess you can say im pretty famous. I am the most popular girl at school. I have a boyfriend named Sam and my life is absolutely amazing. I have so many friends. My 4 friends that I see every day are Rebecca, Andrea, Jen, and Lia. I also hang out with my boyfriends friends like Ricky, Trevor, Kian, and Connor. I don't really know what else to tell you... OH! My favorite hobbies include studying, reading... HAH just kidding! But seriously who study's and reads. Only nerds do that. But my hobbies include shopping, hanging with my besties, swimming, going to the beach, texting, instagram, twitter, tumblr, and so much more things like that. Oh also I love to eat. I eat so much and im so skinny! I love it!! But yea so that's basically my life story so yea BYEEEE!

Alex POV

I wake up to my annoying alarm clock. I stretch and make a non-human like noise. I get out of bed and go to the bathroom. I turn on the shower and put the temp to where i like it. I take off my clothes and hop in. I wash my body and hair with my apple cinnamon scented shampoo and conditioner. I rinse my hair and hop out. I put a towel around my body and walk into my room. I walk into my huge closet and grab some clothes to wear. I quickly put my clothes on and went into the bathroom again. I grab my blow dryer and start drying my hair. I decide to just straighten my naturally wavy hair. I walk out into my bedroom and sit at my makeup desk. I decide to go natural today. I put on light foundation. I put on liquid eyeliner and mascara. Im wearing a crop top that says Never Be Silenced, some light blue shorts, and some black toms. I decide to wear a black beanie also. I walk downstairs to find a note on the fridge. Working extra early today -love mom. Oh I forgot to tell you. My dad is in the army so we never see him. I grab a banana off the counter and grab a piece of paper left for school love u sis - lex<3 I grab my penny board and decide to ride that to school. When i get to school I look around for my friends. I see Lia standing with Andrea. "hey guys!" I say. "Hey Alex!" Andrea said. "Hey Andrea!!!" I said a little to happily. "Why you so happyy??" She asked "no reason" i said smiling. I feel someone cover my eyes with their hands. I turn around and see Sam. "Sam!" I say and kiss him. I havent seen him in so long. "I missed you so much!!" i say after we break apart. "I missed you too!" he said and picked me up and spun me around. I giggle. He lets me down. I look over at the school doors and see a kid i have never seen before. He had black hair thats swooped to the side, he had some nerdy glasses on, he was wearing a blue and black plaid button up, some denim jeans, regular boring sneakers and a navy blue hoodie. "what a nerd" Lia said. We all walk in the school. Me and Sam walk in hand in hand. Sam walks me to my locker. When we get to my locker I turn to him. "Bye Sam" i say with a frown. "Bye babe" he said and kissed me before he walked away. I turn to my locker and grab all my stuff. The kid I saw earlier came to his locker that was right next to mine. I ignored him and close my locker. I walk to Math alone. When I get to ELA I see the girl that I hate. Her name is Bella. She is such a nerd. I walk to my desk and sit down. "Hello class I am your substitute for today my name is Mr Cashwell. Please take out your notebooks and turn to a clean page." I take my notebook out and turn to a new page quickly. Mr Cashwell starts to speak again and I quickly look up. "Today we will be learning about equations." We all groaned except Bella. She, being the nerd that she is, squeeled. She freaking squeeled. We all looked at her weirdly. Once she saw us she looked at her lap embarrised. Haha. Im not gonna tell you how the class went. It basically was just writing notes. (A.N. Im just gonna skip to when they go to lunch.) I run out of Science class to lunch. While im walking in the halls I see a crowd of kids grouped around kids fighting. The crowd was screaming a bunch of things like "Hit him hard!" or "OOH That gotta hurt!" I walk over to the crowd and see not kids fighting but someone bullying the kid i saw earlier. And that someone was......Sam...

Ok guys so omg YAAASS my first chapter is finally done!! YAAASSS new chapter soon? comment what you guys think and if i should continue..:)

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