Chapter one - The Taste of Vengeance

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The sun had just set and it was starting to rain early that night. Reza had just finished work. He was getting ready to head home. He grabbed his bag and threw it back on his shoulders, waved Pietro a ciao ciao with his two finger tips and his usual half smile and lead his way out of the store with his steady but fast paced steps leaving the store and heading to the streets.

The umbrella never missed an opportunity to disappoint him. It wasn't a shower though, just a pleasant drizzle dancing on his cheekbones and Reza loved taking a stroll through Central Park as he made his way to his apartment on Eighth Avenue. He had to get home fast to prepare his special 'Italianiano' since tonight he was expecting Jewels and he had planned everything out all too well and nothing was going to ruin tonight, because tonight was a special night and for Reza his new life was about to begin.

'Are you gonna leave me out in the cold again?' Julia warned him since last time he kept her at the station for a whole hour. 'No way babe, I'm almost home' Reza gasped for air as he walked and pushed down on his earplugs under the hood. He hated talking on the phone, whether mobile or line or online or offline it never made much of a difference. He always kept it short and left real conversations for real life meetings. He always loved hanging up without goodbyes and never explained why.

By the time he reached home, the rain had stopped and there was a fresh scent in the air. He always loved the air after the rain. Breathing meant more than just survival, it was rejuvenating and nothing like the cool breeze of early autumn in New York could bring him the sense of home, the aura, the nostalgia, those memories came back.

The Big Apple, and by the way he never understood the metaphor, was the only place he could call home. He'd been around too far and he'd seen too many to feel home anywhere else. He was born here down in Brooklyn and although his parents were neither Americans, both his elder brother Ramin and his little sweet sister Roxi agreed that nothing beats New York.

Ramin was a successful businessman, to say the least and Roxi was a smart reporter and a young journalist with promising career working part time for the Daily Gazette. He had invited both to come for dinner but as usual they were going to be late. It's a Persian thing! Never show up too early at any event, whether it's a party or a hang out, even a job interview. Let them know who's the boss!

Reza never understood his Iranian heritage nor was he much interested to know. His dad left his mom too early for him to blame anyone and so his dad was an uncomfortable memory. His mom was originally Italian born in the little island of Sicily down deep in the Mediterranean Sea and they lost her to the rough waves of time many year ago when they were still kids. The three of them grew up in an orphanage and later were able to find their place in the world.

It wasn't easy, especially for the Rogue one, Rebel Rez, who was more than a just trouble maker back in his teens and even worse in his younger days. Now, he's in his late twenties and he's found the girl of his dreams, she's the jewels of his eye and he knows tonight is bound to be a special night.

'Yeah yeah yeah, you wait until you taste this sauce and then I'll show you who's going to the hospital after dinner' Reza joked as he carefully added some saffron to his broth hoping the end result would have some taste. Jewels was just around the block and she was going to be there any second now. He had set the table, turned off the lights and with the candles beaming and an oldie, Michael Bolton 'when a man loves a woman' playing in the background, the studio split was ready to welcome its most precious guest, Julia Martinez.

The Spaniard, but often referred to as the Hispanic chic from Queens that she could never related to, had dressed up for the night. She was wearing her black gown and glittered like a diamond to her beholders eyes. 'Don't you wanna me invite me in?' She smiled with one of those looks in her eyes.'

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2017 ⏰

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