Chapter One

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The black pit resides within me every day. A swirl of anxiety presses against my chest with each stroke of my brush. I've never had nerves rattle me this much, especially since this fairytale is one any normal woman would want to experience. My future is set with a man who will protect me and treat me like his own lapdog. Although he acts like a formidable match for me, I can see through his charade. The piercing glares every time he finds me wandering through the halls. The life he has given me is much more deceiving than many believe... I'm not free. I'm imprisoned in a place I must call home. A dream? Shit, more like a nightmare.

My husband sees me as a piece of meat; an item he can flaunt and fuck whenever he pleases. Once he fills my womb, I'll be stuck with him forever, but little does he know about my own secrets. Little does he know the past has finally caught up with him. I've been lost in this world of royalty for almost two years, and he has yet to pump a boy from me. He has threatened to lop my head off and banish me if I don't produce a suitable heir for his throne.

Turning my chin, I admire the scars across my neck. Each mark is a reminder of my duty... One I cannot fulfill. I'm barren from my father's blows as a child. My luck has always led me to discover another man worse than the last. This time, I'm determined to decide my own fate. I won't let anyone else treat me like I'm their possession. I'm more than flesh and blood. My spirit burns with spite. My husband, Adrian, will eventually discover his fate. Stealth and silence is the only way to bring him to his knees. My weakness will be my strength, and he will discover the nightmare I live every day.

The oak door slams against the opposite wall as Adrian's hound, Dalamar fetches me from my room. His malicious glare sends chills up my spine, while his snarl twists into a grotesque grin. A shade of gold splotched across his teeth. Black clings between his canines, and all I can do is turn away to keep from torturing myself. The rancid scent of rot filling the room sends a churn through my belly. Looking into the reflection, he approaches me. His dark oily hair hangs down to the end of his nose. A lurking odor of feces and urine makes me lightheaded. Every day Adrian tortures me with this man. It's like he wants to displease me.

"Mm," he moans, letting his nostrils flare to take in my scent. "Divine like a jewel. I don't understand why you've yet to give the king what he wants." He flips me around to face him. His fascination for my breasts makes me swallow hard. Anything can happen with him, and Adrian would give him a simple slap on the wrist.

"Are you here to escort me to the king or slobber like some thirsty dog?" I ask as pressure builds in my chest. Curling my fingers into fists, I stare into those beady pits. He doesn't scare me.

"Someone is feisty today. Usually you're more agreeable to my presence," he chuckles.

"Agreeable to escape the odor of a jackal's ass," I scoff, walking past him with my servant. "Come, Deidra. We should be off." He grips my elbow tight, digging his nails into my porcelain skin.

"I'd be careful with that mouth of yours, bitch."

"Or what, Dalamar? Are you going to rape me like your king? I'm to the point where it's more of a recreational activity. How about you put your tail between your legs and tuck it into your own asshole?" I roll my jade eyes and pull my arm away. "Come, Deidra."

"Argh!" he roars, pushing Deidra into the hallway and slamming the oak door shut. He grips my wrists and presses my back against the stone wall. "You just wait, my Queen. When Adrian discovers you have nothing to give him, your head will roll like the others. Hell, you might want to be in my good graces because I'm willing to give you a mercy fuck before I watch the blade slice through that pretty neck of yours. I've done it before," he hisses, gripping my throat with his tight grasp. The pressure builds as my airway is blocked. I claw at his hand, begging for one last gasp. When his tongue presses against my cheek and slides up the side of my face, he finally relaxes his grip. The blood rushes to my head as he drops me and opens the door.

"Just remember who owns you now," he growls, leaving the room.     

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