Chapter 1

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Hey here's another story. Yay.  This one is a Michael Clifford fan fic. You should notice by now I love Michael lol. So here's the new story. 

Michaels pov

And they are at it again. Screaming. Fighting. I'm sick of it. I have put up with this for to long. This wasn't the first time. The first time this happened was when I was 5 years old. I was sitting in my room playing with my action figures when I heard my mum screaming at my dad for an unknown reason that I still don't know to this day. My dad started yelling at my mum and as the curious five year old that I was I wanted to know what was happening, so I slowly made my way downstairs but quickly ran back when my dad had hit my own mother. It still makes me sick to think that my father had hit my mother. Once my mother had passed out I had heard his footsteps coming closer and closer to my bedroom door. I hadn't known what to do so I ran and hid under my bed where i thought he wouldn't find me. But boy was I wrong. He grabbed a hold of my foot and dragged me out from the bed. But what I didn't expect was for him to kiss me on top of the head and place me in my bed whispering goodnight once I was tucked in. I had been awoken later that night. I had snuggled close to my stuffed lion named Daniel and cried. I know what you are thinking, a boy my age shouldn't be sleeping with a stuffed animal. But Daniel lion isn't just a stuffed lion to me, my father had given him to me when I was little. This lion means the absolute world to me. I had heard the noise of my door opening and closing softly before a body climbed in next to me.  My younger sister Molly. We both snuggled together each holding our stuffed animals before crying ourselves to sleep. Since that day nothing has been the same. I want the beautiful, loving family I once had but sadly that's not going to happen. If it wasn't for  my sister and my best friends calum, Ashton and Luke I don't know what I would do. I'm sick of this. I walk downstairs torwards my mother and father trying to stop this, but as soon as I enter I am welcomed with a sight I wish I didn't have to see again. There was my mother laying unconciuos on the floor. My father turns me before pushing me to the floor, making his way torwards my sister that was sitting in the lounge crying softly, telling her to go to her room because for some reason he wanted to speak to me. Molly ran torwards her room.  I wanted to chase after her but I knew I had to hear what my father had to hear what my father ha to say. "Michael listen, you are not going to tell anyone about this you hear me. If you do I will kill you and trust me I will do it. " with that he got up and walked away. I ran torwards my sisters room barging the door open to hear her crying from the bathroom connected to her room. I banged on the door, begging her to let me in. I heard the sound of the lock unlocking and softly opening. Sitting on the floor was my sister with blood covering both her arms and a blade sitting next to her. This wasn't the first time. She has done this. About a month ago I chased after her after mum and dad had started fighting again. Luckily I got there in time. I ran over to her and held her tightly to my chest. "It will be alright I promise. " I whispered in her ear
So what do you guys think.  I think I done good. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2017 ⏰

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