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Gillian POV

Playlist live 2014 and today is the first day. I get up and Get dressed and do my hair and makeup. ( I grab my camera and walk to my friends’ hotel room. I knock on her door and she answers only half ready. I laugh at her half up half down hair with her straightener in her hand and makeup only half done.

            “I’m sorry Gillian I’m running behind and my god you look so pretty.” She says and I smile.

            “Want some help? I can do your hair while you do your makeup.” I say. She thanks me and we sit in the bathroom talking while I do her hair and she does her makeup. We finish but we want to sit for a little and make a video. We are doing would you rather and laughing and then there is a knock on the door Emma gets up and answers the door and one by one three boys pile into her room. I remember seeing them in my suggested videos at some time but never looked at them. Emma says hi to them and we all sit on the bed together.

            “Well Gillian meet my friends. Jason, Patty, and Luke.” Emma says as she points to each of them. We then sign out and end the video but then of course we all get out our vlog cameras and update and then we all talk and get to know each other. We see that everyone is starting to enter the hotel. We all gather our stuff and walked to the lobby. When we get there we see a sea of people and soon there were dozens of people all around use people taking pictures with us and giving us things. We soon escape into a small space with a bunch of other youtubers. I saw all my gay friends and I walk to them. We all hug and vlog together but turn the cameras off to talk alone. I start talking to Miles and I see him look behind me. I look at him confused.

            “What are you looking at?” I ask.

            “There is a cute boy looking at you black jeans, black beanie, sleeping with sirens shirt, piercings.” He says.

            “Oh yeah that’s Patty, I met him this morning.” I say.

            “It looks like he has a crush on you.” He said.

            “I doubt that.” I say and laugh I look at the time and saw it was almost time for the British artist panel meet up. I say bye to everyone and went back Emma and everyone else.

            “Emma we have to head to the panel.” I say.  Patty was standing with us.

            “Oh are you guys on the British artist panel?” Patty asks.

            “Yeah want to walk with us?” Emma says. Patty says yes and we started walking. Patty and I walked behind Emma, Jason, and Luke. Patty and I began to talk alone.

            “So Gillian what to you do on your channel?” Patty asked.

            “I do a little bit of everything but mostly covers and original music and beauty things.” I say. He smiles which kind of makes me blush and melt.

            “That’s really cool. I do covers of songs and make them pop punk and I’m in a band. I also do vlogs on my vlog channel.” He says.

            “Well seems we are very similar then.” I say looking at him with my side smile.

            “That is true so where you living now?” He asks.

            “Just in London right now but I want to move to a smaller town so Emma and I might move in together.” I say.

            “Oh well there is a small house next to ours that is for sale. You guys should check it out and then maybe we could hang more.” Patty says smiling which gave me more butterflies and made me smile I agree and then we were at the panel. We all got our cameras out and vloged us walking in. We walked in and everyone when crazy which made us all smile I turned to Emma and she just flicked off the camera and then I turned to Patty and we had the cameras kiss. We then turned off our cameras and started the panel. Jason was the monitor,

            “So please introduce yourself.” Jason says and Emma then introduces herself.

            “ Hello I’m Emma Blackberry and well that is also my youtube username but yeah my best known song is my google plus song I made.” She said and everyone cheered. It was then my turn

            “Hello everybody.” I say with a smile and everyone says hello. “Well my name is Gillian Claggett but my youtube name is Gillian Angel my best known song is You Took too Long feat with Kellin Quinn.” I say and everyone cheered super loud which made me laugh. It was then Pattys turn.

            “Hello I’m Patty Walters my youtube name is the same and my best known song is cover of this is gospel.” He says and everyone cheers. We all answer questions that are normal. Then we took questions from fans first was a small girl who looked shy and scared. She stood up and talked into the mic.

            “This question is for all of you and it is have you ever struggled with self-harm or self-confidence and if so how did or do you deal with it?” She said.  I stepped up first to talk.

            “Well I honestly dealt with that for most of my life. I stopped self-harm when I was a freshman in high school because my best friend was sent to a mental hospital and it was horrible and was very hard for me so with that I just quite. I also suffer a lot with self-confidence everyone does.” I say.

            “Yeah I agree with the self-harm thing so yeah just don’t do it and try to stop for us. And self-confidence should be easy for all of you because you are all beautiful.” Patty said.

            “I’ve got really nothing else to add there.” Emma said and we all laughed. Next a cute young girl asked a question.

            “I just want to say Gillian and Patty you to would look so cute together.” She said and I blushed and hid my face with my hair Patty then lifted my head and kissed my cheek.

            “There you all go.” Patty said with the cutest smile ever. We answered a few more questions and then did the meet and greet part. We got a ton of presents and talked to a lot of fans. I got a bunch of flower crowns and beanies I was still sitting with Patty so I started stacking flower crowns on his head as well as Emma which made everyone laugh I then made a joke about how I would need another suite case just for the flower crowns. Everyone laughed and then it was time to go.  I got my camera out and patty stood behind me with his arms around my waist and his head on my shoulder.

            “Hello everybody so this is my friend Patty Walters he is pretty cool I’ll link him below or not it depends if I remember.” I say I then turned the camera to Emma, Jason, and Luke.

“Guys say Hi.” I say. And they all turn around and wave and say hi. I then turn the camera back to me.

“So I think we are going back to our rooms and dropping off all the stuff you gave us and then I think we should get food and meet more of you.” I said and everyone agreed Patty then let go when I turned off the camera. We all started talking and getting to know each other better. We then got to Jason, Luke, and Pattys room. We told them my room number and we would meet there. I got to my room and unlocked it I cleaned up a little and set all the presents on the table I went into the bathroom and started fixing my makeup. There was a knock at the door and I ran to answer it. Everyone was there

“Well I have to change and stuff for the party tonight.” I say.

“You change like four times a day don’t you?” Emma said.

“Yes.” I say. I then change into a red crop top and a black and white checkered skirt. I washed off the makeup I had on and looked in the mirror and noticed my hips look huge. (

“Emma!” I yell.

“What?!” She says standing in the door frame.

“My hips look huge don’t they? Should I change?” I say.

“I don’t know I’m not a man.” She says.

“Well I’m not wearing makeup so therefore you need to be a man and tell me.” I say.

“Patty come here!” Emma yells. I hide my face. Patty then showed up at the door with his cute smile. I didn’t want him to see me so I kept my face hidden.

“Yeah?” He asks.

“Never mind I’m going to change.” I say sneaking past them without him seeing my face. 

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