Struggling to Survive •|Chapter 1|•

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•|Chapter 1|•

\/\/Mackenzie's pov\/\/

It was cold and I woke up to my alarm blaring in my ears. I slapped my alarm off and hopped out of bed. I grabbed my clothes, makeup and jewellery and went to the bathroom for a shower. I locked the door behind me, stripped and hopped in the shower letting the water run down my body. I washed my body with strawberry shower gel and washed my hair with grape shampoo and conditioner. After that I hopped out dried my body and fish tailed my wet hair. I put on my bra then my underwear then my black and gold tiger jumper and my black leggings. Then I put on my gold jewelley. After I spent 10 minutes on my makeup. I actually looked pretty good until I looked at my lefts wrist and my big cuts so I decided to put gold bangles over them. once I was ready I walked out the bathroom into my room grabbed my gold and black sandals and went downstairs for breakfast. My mum was already there with a plate of pancakes for me drizzled in syrup. I took a few bites but when my mum went away I chucked the rest in the bin only because I get teased and get called fat. When I finished I grabbed my phone and texted Asia.

Phone Conversation



🌸heyy asia wuz up?!

🌻nm kenz bout u

🌸just getting ready 4 a loong loong day at stupid skool

🌻lol well gtg c ya at skool xx

🌸k byess xx

Once Asia left the convo I walked to the bus stop and waited for the good old school bus until Asia came running to me.

"HEYYY kenz!" Asia practically screamed.

"Heyy Asia so ready for another bad day at school?" I replied

"Yeah i guess" she replied sadly.

We were both bullied at school by Kendall and her crew including Nia, Joel and Andrew. They were soo mean to us and cutting was my only escape.

"Soo I heard there's a new kid coming to school today" Asia said snapping me out of my thoughts.

" oooooh really whats their name" I asked excitedly

"Ummm I think it's Jake" Asia replied.

"Cool!" I said as we got on the good old school bus.

We made small talk until we got to school about our shitty lives and dance.

Finally we pulled up at school ready for another terrible day.

Once the bus was parked Asia and I grabbed our stuff, thanked the bus driver and walked into school. "The bullying has now officially began" Asia whispered to me as Kendall and her gang walked up to us.

"Hey sluts" Kendall and her gang said snickering. I was getting sick of it so I stood for me and Asia.

"We'll speaking of sluts looks like they are standing right infront of us so why don't you back off and pick on other people, what have we even done to you?" I said proudly

"What haven't you done!" Kendall said her she and Nia sashayed away giggling not before stomping on my foot in their heels.

" owwwww" I groaned in pain causing a few stares. " they are so mean and why did they choose us to pick on?"

"I don't really know but we better get to class" Asia replied helping me up. I could already feel the bruise forming.

" fine" I said opening my locker and getting out my stuff for advanced math.

It was very lucky Kendall and Nia aren't in any of my classes and it's lucky that Asia is in all of my classes I thought to myself as Asia and I walked to math.

Advanced math is soooo easy for me I finished my work in the first 20 mins so I still had 30 mins left so I just drew pics in my book and passed notes with Asia as we had assigned seats and I sat at the front and she sat at the back. After math we had sport so we went to the change rooms and got changed into dance wear as me and Asia are in the dance program for sport. I put on pink and white zebra print crop top and booty shorts while Asia put on a purple crop top and dip dyed purple and blue shorts. We changed our hair into doughnuts so it wouldn't get into our eyes and put on our jazz shoes as we were doing jazz first. Then we walked in to the auditorium. We were learning a routine and me and Asia are the leads! only because we are the best dancers no need to brag. after 15 mins of jazz we did 15 mins of acro my fave! we are also learning an acro routine and I'm the lead but Asia isn't because she's not that good at acro. After acro we did 15 minutes of ballet. For ballet we just worked on our technique and then we did a 5 min warm down. Once sport was over we had showered got changed and went to lunch.

For lunch we had a Caesar salad and a mineral water only to keep healthy for dance. Once the bell rung we went to our lockers (which are next to each others) to get stuff for English.

|••Skip rest of school day••|

After school we went to our lockers and collected our stuff. We said our goodbyes and walked in our opposite directions. I was getting a lift home from my sister Maddie. But as I was walking away I bumped into someone and fell crashing to the floor. i started picking up my stuff when someone started helping me.

"Oh hi" I said shyly

" Hi sorry about that I wasn't looking where I was going oh by the way I'm Jake I'm new here" he said in his sexy voice

" Hi Jake I'm Mackenzie" I said finding myself looking into his bright green eyes.

"Well Mackenzie would you like to go to the movies on Sunday with me?" Jake asked shyly

" Sure! I'd love to!!! pick me up at 6:30. i live at 56 attwood drive. Oh and here's my number I said as I handed him a piece of paper with it written on there. Sorry I got to go to dance, bye!!. I called as I ran to Maddies car.
Maddie was angry at me as usual for being late. After I got into the car we ran inside our house grabbed our dance bags and extra food and left for dance. Once we arrived we went into the bathroom to put on our dance clothes. Once we were ready we went to the den to start stretching. After 5 mins everyone started arriving.

" hey Chlobird!!!" I screamed

" hey Kenz!" Chloe screamed back at me " how was school?" She asked seeing as she was homeschooled and I went to a public school.

" ok" I replied.


"Heyyyyyy guys!" Paige and Brooke screamed

"Heyy guys" Maddie chloe and I responded.
After everyone arrived and were stretching in the den Abby came and told us it was time for pyramid. Sure dance moms had ended 3 years ago we still did pyramid. It went something like this.


Chloe, me , Asia,

Paige, Brooke,Kendall, Nia

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