Chapter 1

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Jab! Jab!
Left hook! Jab!
Jab! Uppercut! Jab!
Jab! Cross! Jab!

"Fuck." i say out of breath.

"Lo! Hurry up, we're going to be late for school!" I hear my younger sister yell from downstairs.

I take off my gloves, and throw them in my workout basket, I tiedy up my room a bit, and grab my backpack racing down the stairs to my babysister.

"Alright lets go babe" i say to her holding the door open, so she can step out.

"I have to get to school early, or else my teacher can't tutor me!" she yells running to the car with her backpack bouncing everywhere like a five year old running to her mom after school.

"Okay, okay. We're going right now kiddo" i say to the 10 year old.

"Why do you need tutoring again?" i ask as i turn on the ignition and back out of the driveway.

"My teacher says if i don't pick up my grade in the subjects, their going to test me for special education." she says stressfully

"Whats so bad about special ed?" i ask turning the corner to get off of our street onto another.

"Kids in there are dumb! And all my friends are in smart classes! and I'm not dumb!" she yells

"Hey! Kids in special education classes are not dumb! Some are special needs like Sarah, and some just need abit more help, they can't help if they need that, and neither can you. Kids in those classes may be the smartest kid you will ever meet, he might just interact or communicate in a different way. It doesn't make him any dumber or less than you. So cool it with that dumb crap. I don't want to hear it again."

I say strictly to my younger sister, Sarah is a cousin we have, she has down syndrome. We all still love her for it, especially my sister. I don't know what has gotten into her.

But I did not want her growing up to be a mean bully. Its not how my mother raised her.

"Yes ma'am." she says slouching in her seat

"Thats right, and you know what? Today i want you to go into the special needs classroom, and befriend the most special kid there." i say to her, my sister will learn that everyone is equal, no matter the IQ or specialness.

"What?!" she yells

"That's right, and i'm calling your teacher to make sure you do it too. So no lieing." i say to her, she just slouches in her seat, mumbling a few words under her breath.

I pull up to the school drop off zone, before i unlock the passenger door, i point to my cheek indicating i want a little kiss from my little sister.

She sighs, and leans over giving me exactly what i was asking for.

"I love you" i sing out to her

"I love you too Lolo" she says before climbing out of the car to run through the school gates, just to get to her class.

i lock the passenger door once again, putting the car in drive and head over to my school which is only a few blocks down from hers.

Once i got to my school parking lot, i climb out of the car taking my gym bag, and school bag out of the backseat of the car. Locking thecar after doing so.

"Yo Lo!" i hear one of my friends yell towards me. I turn to see who it was, just to see it was Normani Kordei.

"Yo! Mani!" i yell back

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