Part 1

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For the record, I love this one. ... probably why I have so much work on it ^^

Shirazu's P.O.V.

Hide-san was our mentor. He lived in the chateau with us, and he was a Quinke, just like us. He was strong and intelligent.

The thing was, he was never allowed outside our chateau. He's practically locked in here. We don't know why, but, just like his scars, we don't bother to ask. Not after the first few lack-of-responses.

He also got regular visits by Mado Akira. We don't know what they talk about since we always happen to be out when they chat, but there are some rumors around.. that Hide-san is suspected of traitorous behavior..

We Qs don't believe that though. Hide-san's a good guy. And why would he help us if he was a traitor?

Of course.. that doesn't mean that his experiments are so tolerable and admissible.

Cough, cough!!

I ran into the room, squinting through the smoke.

"Ah! Shirazu! Good morning," Hide-san grinned as if he wasn't surrounded in soot.

"What the h*ll were you trying this time?!!" I shouted as the others ran in. The fire detectors were going off again.

"Nothing much," he replied, getting back to work as if there wasn't smoke surrounding us all. "You wanna practice these, you guys?" he hummed as Urie shut the detectors off.

"I don't think we wanna see what you're making, Hissan.." I groaned. The last time, I'd ended up with part of my arm nowhere to be found!!

I regenerated, of course, but..

Saiko waved the smoke out of her face as she made her way over to Hissan.

"Pappan! Why can't you make something that stops you from getting smoke everywhere?! It looks like we cooked!!"

"Aw, thanks, Saiko!"

I don't think he heard her..

No, wait, this IS Hissan we're talking about. He does some pretty crazy things..

"Anyway, since you guys are up, why don't we train?~" Hissan hummed and picked up whatever he'd been working on, "There we go! It's ready!"

"PAPPAN, IT'S THREE IN THE MORNING!!!" Saiko squealed in protest and shock.

"? What's your point?" Hissan blinked.

Yes, that was our life.. The life of the Qs-- wake up to smoke, train, work, rest from exhaustion, repeat.


Turns out, he'd been tweaking our quinques. Mine was made more durable, and Hissan made Urie's more sharper. Hissan said Tooru's knives had special properties now (he didn't want to be struck with them, he also added), and Saiko's hammer was stronger.

"Alright, do you guys like 'em?" Hissan grinned. I nodded eagerly.

"... (It's nice.)"

"It's so cool, Pappan!" Saiko grinned.

"Um.. you said my knives have.. special properties..?"

| / _

"Yeah, Mutsuki. I even color-coded them. Purple's poison. You don't need to know pink, I would advise AGAINST using that. I actually meant not to give you those, but I seem to be a little sleep-deprived at the moment, so my brain won't work. Silver's normal, and yellow's para-la-sis..?"

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