All but Happiness

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He was a mean and poor man. John was his name. He lived in a small, messy, badly shaped house on a hill. Not to mention he was very short on money and friendless. That's right, John had absolutely no friends. He never really understood why. Maybe its because of his looks. Maybe its because his house was always so untidy. Or maybe its because of his poor home and lack of money. Never in his life has anyone knocked on his front door. Never in his life has anyone slipped a positive note in his mailbox, other than bills. Maybe a better home and more money could get John some friends. But how?

John went into town to find a solution to his problem. Nothing. He made an attempt to ask people for help. No one was willing to help, talk, or even look at him. Just when John was about to call it a night, a long sharp nail tapped his shoulder. There behind him was an elderly woman, about two feet shorter than he was, and hunched over.

"You want a new place and to be rich? I will help you," said the old woman

"Alright! Who do you think you are?! And how did you know that is what I wanted?!" John angrily asked.

"That does not matter. What matters is that I am willing to help you with your problem,"


"Take this," the old woman handed John a bag. Inside the bag are three bulbs.

"Bulbs? Really?" John said.

"Not just any bulbs. Magic Bulbs. One for a better home, and another for wealth," said the old woman.

"What about the third one?"

"I'm afraid I cannot tell you. you will eventually figure it out. Now take these home and put them under your pillow, and tomorrow when you wake up, you will be rich and living in a better home," the old woman suggested. John did just as he was told when he returned home.

When John woke up the next morning, he wasn't laying on his old dirty bed in his rotten messy home. He was laying on a luxurious king sized bed inside a huge mansion complete with a chandelier and an Olympic sized pool in the backyard. But that's not all. He was living on a tall rock in the middle of the ocean far away from town and everyone. How can anyone visit his awesome new home if he's so far away from them? Worse. Why is John still unhappy? He has everything except friends, that he's ever wanted. Why doesn't he still have friends? Maybe people weren't avoiding him because of what he didn't have. Maybe they were avoiding him because of who he was. I did mention in the beginning that John was poor, but I also mentioned that he was mean. Nobody wanted to be his friend because he has been very mean and rude to others in the past. Maybe the old woman he met did this to him so John would know why.

John looked under his pillow and found the three magic bulbs. Two, which were for a better home and wealth, were in pieces, but the third one wasn't. Maybe that third bulb was for happiness. The one thing he did not receive.

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