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So summer started a few weeks ago and all I want to do is relax, sleep and eat.

School was so stressful and waking up early isn't me.

But my mom keeps yelling at me to do work and go outside.

Like I get why you tell me to go out because all I ever do is stay in but she actually wants me to study and do work.

"Study or at least get a job." << what my mom says.

I seriously don't understand why she wants me to study like summer started few days ago and she wants me to study again.


Like jeez I need to relax my brain once in awhile and since exams ended my brain is pooped.

Then she wants me to work and get a job.

There's this concert coming up and I really like REALLY need to go because of my boysss.

And I'm not the proper age to get a job because you have to be 16 while IM 14!!! (2 years late) (my birthday is late too)

And I don't want to have a babysitter job because I dislike little children.

Not to be mean but I just hate it when they don't listen to you and they scream and make loud unneeded sounds.

I dislike loud noises and repeating stuff.

Like when I walk down the same spot 3 times it annoys me.

But back to the topic I really don't understand my mom and now she's making me do a sheet of math problems everyday.

And she's also making me go to the library where it is very cold and very public.

I also get very cold easily and my skin gets weird where you can see the veins.

My sister finds it cool while I find it weird.

But ya I dislike how my summer is going...

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