1) Chapter One

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      ^Kiana's POV^

"Don't you think it's a little strange that we haven't heard from humans and rotters in a while?" I ask my childhood best friend, Xavier. I walk by his side and hold his hand in mine, staying aware of any trouble. We were with our other best friend, Anya. We have all known each other

"Maybe. But isn't that a good thing?" He replies, giving my hand a slight squeeze. I sigh. "I guess...but we still haven't seen anyone in months!! We keep walking and we don't get anywhere! I don't know how long I can keep this up. I could just get out my gun, aim it at my head, and pull the trigger. It's much easier than having to look for food, shelter, and safety."

We stop walking and Xavier turns to me. "Do not say that. We've survived this far, why give up? You may say it's easier for you, but it won't be easy for me if you were dead. I love you, Kiana. And I care a lot about you. You are like family, and I don't want to lose you. It won't be easy to be around when I don't have someone I can trust. Please..don't give up." He looks down at his feet, a tear falling to the ground.

I lift his chin up and stare into his light brown eyes. "Don't cry. It makes you weak. But if you ever need me, I'm always here. Alright?" I comfort him and pull him into a hug, squeezing him.

He sniffs and pulls away. "Thanks Kiana." He wipes the tears off with his long, black sleeve and smiles. "Let's get going.." I look up at the sky. "It's getting late, we need to look for shelter." I hold Xavier's hand and we continue walking.


"Xavier! A cabin! Come on." I run towards the cabin, Xavier following behind me.

"Let's go in, shall we?" Xavier starts to turn the door knob but I stop him, stepping in front of him. "No. Get your weapons out, then we go inside." I order. He chuckles. "Sorry. I forgot."

"Well, next time don't forget!" I stand, waiting for him to take out his pistol.

Then I realize how close we are. I look up and lock eyes with Xavier, my heart beating rapidly. "Kiana..." He gulps and leans in a little closer.

"Yes?.." I ask nervously. Is this my first kiss? I'm not ready!!!! I don't feel that way about Xavier. But maybe I should give it a shot. But it might ruin our friendship! But maybe I want this?....
I honestly don't know.

"I-" Xavier is cut off when a gunshot is fired. I jump and gasp, Xavier stepping back. "What was that?!?" I peek behind Xavier's shoulder, looking for any signs of people, or rotters.

"We should get inside. Quick!" Xavier opens the door and pushes me inside. "Weapons out. Now." He says firmly, taking out his pistol. "Alright." I get out my gun and lock the door in front of me.

I look around the cabin and sigh. "This place is nice." I tell Xavier, trying to forget about what happened. "Just check out for any rotters, okay?" He says coldly, walking into the living room. What is his problem?? He has never acted that way before. Well, from what I know.

"I'm going to check the bedrooms, be careful." I inform, walking into the hallway where the rooms are. "I'll come too." Xavier walks up behind me. Really? I groan mentally and throw him a fake smile.

"Okay then. I'll look in that room, you look in that one." I point towards two rooms that are across from each other. I silently make my way over to the door, my weapon out. I turn the knob, and open the door.

It reveals a sky blue colored room with a crib and toys scattered on the floor. I frown and crouch down, picking up a red toy truck. And what's strange about this place? Well, it's clean. Like squeaky clean. No blood stains or anything. Except that the crib is knocked down and is on the wooden floor. I walk towards the closet and slide the door open.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2017 ⏰

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