Somethings are more challenging then others (Short Story)

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   The snow was falling heavier now, it had only been 30 minutes on the road, but these 30 minutes were killing me

"mom, when are we getting there?" i sighed 

"soon just try to relax, okay?"

     only, I could't  i know dads a good driver, but i could hardly see 5 feet in any direction, even with the headlights on.

    As we drove around a corner the car got dangerously close to the cliff. 

  By this point we were starting to feel anxious, even Henry, my big brother, who isn't scared of anything. 

Just think of good things, I told myself.  But fear made my mind go blank. we were too far from Ottawa to turn back, and Windsor was still kilometers away.

"why don't we find a cheap motel to stay the night?" my father asked.

If you're okay with it," mom said, "then lets do it."

     We were back on the road after, stopping in London and staying in a very cheap and dirty motel, over night.

  I can sometimes handle 10 minutes but we had maybe 5 hours to go. yep it was going to be a fun car ride. 

   The problem is my ADHD it makes it so i can't focus on one thing and always have to be moving. I was diagnosed when i was 6 and a half.  Now at 14, it just got worse and worse.

"Mom, make her stop" Henry whined I had started fidgeting a lot. I just could't help it and he knew that for a fact 

  If you don't have brothers, live your life gratefully if you do, you know it's their job to annoy us. 

  Henry most of time was nice except when he needed "him" time.  He had dirty blonde hair like mine. Nobody could tell what eye color he has sometimes grey, they're blue. He was also built and tall. we were both 14, technically twins but he was born at 11:54 on April 5 and I came minutes later.

    My mom's name is Hope and she by far was the best mom.  She always wore her brown hair in a bun so it put more focus on her hazel eyes.  We would always joke how she used to be a model (I always thought it was true.) 

     Now my father; Ari. he's tough like all dads should be, but family man all the way. He had blonde hair that got wings when he would't cut it, A small stubble that I loved, and the biggest blue eyes. He was a retired army force pilot but currently unemployed.

    Which left me almost exactly like my dad but my hair was alittle wavy and went past my shoulders, blueish-green eyes and very short.

     Every moment of everyday I prey to get a growth sput.

     "Wait mom, are we in Windsor?" I ask glancing out the window.

   "Henry, Hunter welcome to Windsor."    

Somethings are more challenging then others (Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now