Author's Note x

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Hello! I'm Gee otherwise known as leapinglizarcls! I'm so bad at introductions but I guess this is a get to know me and an introduction. This is my first serious attempt at a fanfiction on Wattpad so please be patient with me. This fanfiction is a AU so even thought One Direction aren't together in this, all the boys will be involved - especially Harry because yanno, Harry Styles fanfic. 

Please do not steal my story and post it as your own. It's very rude and hurtful for me as a creator, if you do it will be reported. It is one thing using a reference but not plagiarising is not okay and also against the law. 

This story is completely fiction so the events and characters in this book do not associate with the real One Direction and their families if they are mentioned. 

This is dedicated to @qveendom because I've been reading her stories for a longggggg time and love them so much! 

Since it's now Summer, hopefully I will be updating frequently and there will be songs attached to each chapter that inspire me so if you want, you can listen to them too. 

WARNING: This story does include strong language, mature content, sexual content, some acts of violence, alcohol and drugs. If you feel uncomfortable with any of those subjects, please do not read. But if you are okay, enjoy! 

Dear You, Love Harry | HARRY STYLES FANFICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now