Little Miss Drama Queen

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It’s hard enough to compete with real girls, but imagine, you competing with a virtual chick? Her name’s Georgie, a sophomore high, an average chick. She has this issue over a boy named Dmitri, his boyfriend or more like an ex now, who has now fallen head over heels to a virtual chick who he calls Simone. 

Georgie was given twenty-one days to write twenty-one articles about her life, about this virtual chick, about her insecurities and frustration to herself and Dmitri. Sandy told her that it’s the best outlet of letting her dismay out. And she even told her that her story will be featured on her online magazine for that month.

But the question is, will she be able to defeat Simone and tell Dmitri that she’s worthy of his time rather than that virtual chick?  Events build to peak that will take Georgie to a total surprise. 

Author’s Note:

Comment away if you like the story or storyline or not. Either you’ll be bored or look forward to the next chapter. 

Anyway, let the real story begins…..

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