- Letters -

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"I think Harry's right," said Hermione quietly.

"That wand's more trouble than it's worth." said Harry. "And quite honestly," he turned away from the painted portraits, thinking now only of the four-poster bed lying waiting for him in Gryffindor Tower, and wondering whether Kreacher might bring him a sandwich there, "I've had enough trouble for a lifetime."   


10 Years Later


Hermione Granger,

I would like to invite you to the 'Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry' Class of 1991 10 year reunion.It will take place on June 14th starting at 6 p.m.This will be a formal reunion there will be a dinner and we are hoping everyone from the class of 1991 will be there. We encourage you to bring your families to meet your friends and old professors.

We hope to see you there Miss Granger.


Headmistress of Hogwarts, Minerva McGonagall 



This is just a first chapter so it's short. This is going to be a short story though.

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