the bakeey: reading harry potter pick up lines(try not to laugh)

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thebakeey / sophie

whats up muggles hows it going it sophie. i am back with another video so in today's video i am doing harry potter chat up lines and yesterday's video where i read out a few harry potter jakes a few of you in the comments down below said sophie do this but with harry potter chat up line so i thought instead of just sitting in my seat and reading out the chat up lines i might as well do a little sort of skit with my main man snape. make sure to give this video a big thumbs up for me. lets try to get this video to a thousand thumbs up.  snape did alot of acting in this video. you know it takes alot to look like that constantly.

 in the comments down below leave any feedback and what you want to see  in my next video and if this is the first time you've seen my face and your a wizard, witch, muggle, centaur, or aragog then make sure you hit that subscribe button because i post alot of harry potter videos. as you're watching i am currently at the warner studio tour in london and i'm seeing the forbidden forest before any of the public but dont you worry i'm vlogging it for you guys so that video will be up tomorrow of me at the warner brothers studio tour visiting the forbidden forest before anyone else can see it. today is the 22nd and its  available for the public on the 31st so im seeing it very soon before anyone else can see it so yes i get to meet my old pal aragog.
farewell aragog, king of the arachnids, the body will decay.

anyway enough chitchat, let's get right into the video. lets just slither right in to those chat lines with snape. YES!

my name might not be luna but i sure know how to lovegood.

if you were a  dementor i'd become a criminal just to get your kiss.

i know were not in professor flitwicks class but you still are charming.

did you survive the avada kedavra curse because your drop dead gorgeous.

you must be a horcruxs because im you complete me.

you going to bed, mind if i slytherin?

you know im just like oliver wood baby, im a keeper.

hey baby i must be in the room of requirements because i require you.

whoa when i said accio hottie i didnt expect it to work.

your kiss is like a dementor it takes my soul away.

i may not be harry potter but i could  be your chosen one.

oh no, i dont have my broom, can i ride yours?

baby, are you a nimbus 2000 because your sweeping me off my feet.

a boom that is it for all the chat up lines i have for today.

if you guys enjoyed them please give a big thumbs up and if you want me to do a part two to this then also give it a big thumbs up and like i said give it a big thumbs up for snapes acting skills it was very hard being snape in this hey. make sure you leave some comments down below and like i said hit that subscribe button for more harry potter videos and tomorrow night will be my warner brothers studio tour vlog where i get to visit the forbidden forest before anyone else so make sure you subscribe and tune in tomorrow on this channel at about 6:30 p.m. to see that vlog. im sorry if this video was kind of short but like i can't expand the chat up lines as they're short for a reason and i also got to edit this video before i leave for the studio tour so anyway love you guys so much i'll see you tomorrow bye.


theres the video i did not do this i just followed the close captions and what i heard so dont kill me.

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