the beginning of the end

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The heat was unbearable in reality everything about that night seemed off .I decided to grab a   drink down stairs I slipped out of my Dior sleeping shorts and wore a skirt,wrapped a scarf round my neck, took my credit card and quietly opened my hotel door .There was an old man with his girlfriend in the elevator he was about five feet tall seven inches and everything about him screamed class from his Armani suit, Versace shoes and if I wasn't wrong that was the latest Rolex model on his wrist talking about models his red head girlfriend was a model in my opinion standing at five foot eleven inches,I knew this because I was five foot eight and I wasn't wearing heels,   she had her hair up in a tidy messy bun and a silver dress that was slightly above her knees the red bottomed shoes were a perfect fit,minimal accessories. Class .That was expected compared to where we were I was too absorbed in them to notice that we were on the bar floor.
"Excuse me darling , you are here" the man gently told me with a heavy Russian accent.
I was startled and quickly brought myself to reality and thanked them both. The bar was on the first floor and they were heading down to the lobby. I composed myself and walked with my head high shoulders back there were many people in the room .I decided to check the time once I'm at the bar.

"One dry Apple Margarita coming right up miss Maune" Fetu ,the bartender ,told me .
"Thankyou Fetu"

Fetu had exotic looks he once told me he was born on an island I just don't remember the name.I'm a social person and I had instantly made acquittance with him. Apple Margarita was the only drink I took at the bar and he had  already mastered it.
I looked at my watch but I didn't have it on me, I assumed it to be mid night. There was a guy who kept on looking at me and it was starting to feel  uncomfortable .I turned around and looked at him for two seconds he seemed familiar. Then it dawned on me.

That face,no it can't be.I didn't want to stick around for any surprises.I wanted to pay and get the hell out of that place .I grabbed my black credit card to pay for my drink it usually takes seconds but not today.Apparently the slot was having some technical problems.Finally it came through as I turned to leave that face was still there but now in front of me.
"Leaving so soon?" His green eyes were piercing through me and I couldn't find my voice this wasn't the time to be silent dear voice.I wasn't sure what to say .
"I need to go" it took me a whole minute to get those words out.
I quickly walked towards  the elevator i felt his gaze on me .It was a relief for me when I was back in my room.I wore my shorts and joined my fiance in bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2017 ⏰

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