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Crescent Moon

By: Kitty Kat


    "It's over Alexander, just give up already." A black as night wolf growled as he circled a man about the age of twenty five with dark short hair slicked back and behind him, a young twenty year old woman on the ground howling in pain. "You stay away from her Roxas, you will not have her or her child." Alexander hisses as the woman screams louder. "Alex! The baby is coming." she screams as Alexander looks at her, hurt at what he might do. "Oh Alexander, looking after the poor little human who if I remind you, killed your kind!" Roxas growls as he steps forward and slowly started turning into a man with fire red hair and dark brown eyes. He fixes his jacket as he walks closer to Alexander only making him step back almost hitting the soon to be mother.

    "The humans didn't kill my kind, yours did! You damn werewolves didn't want to live in peace, you wanted to rule. That mark on your right hand proves it!" Alexander yells as Roxas looks at his hand to see the small star on it proving he was born a werewolf. "You're right, it does mean I'm a wolf but at less I'm not a blood sucker like your little mark. The last of your kind." I won't be the last kind, this child will be born and this child will kill you if I don't get the chance too." Alexander yells before he shows his fangs and attacks Roxas putting him in a head lock only to have two other wolves one pure brown and the other white as snow go after the mother. "No... Rose!" Alexander yelled as the brown wolf latched it's teeth around Rose's arm making her scream louder.

    "Let me go!" She scream as the white wolf attacks making the wolf let go of her. The white wolf blocks the brown wolf showing it's teeth. "Ross... take her! Take her now!" Alexander yells as Roxas flips Alexander making him land hard on the ground almost knocking him out. Before the white wolf could take a second thought, he nudge Rose with his nose making her climb on his back. "I can't... I can't leave Alexander!" She screams but it was to late as Ross starts to run. "Alex!" Rose screams as she looks behind her to see Roxas kick him knocking him out.

    A tear rolled down her cheeks as she cried for the only man that she loved as she burred her head into the larger then normal sized wolf's fur.


    "Ah! Make it stop!" Rose yells as she laid on a tabling screaming at the nurse who was holding her hand. "You're doing great sweetheart, just a little longer." The nurse says as she pats her hand as another nurse puts a cold towel on her head. "Okay Rose I need you to give me one push." Ross say as he hears Rose scream before he heard another scream of a baby girl crying for her mother. "It's a girl." Ross says as he held a beautiful baby girl in his arms before the nurse took her to get cleaned up. Ross looks over at Rose to see her catching her breath. "Where is she? Where's my daughter?" Rose ask as Ross walks over to her.

    "She's over there getting cleaned up and weighted, don't worry Rose, she's healthy." Ross says as he grabbed her hand. He knows she was upset but he didn't think what happened tonight has fully hit her yet. Tonight she lost a husband, but to him, he lost his best friend. "Ross... Does she have it?" Rose ask almost losing consciousness from everything that happened tonight. "I... I don't know yet. But if she does, we'll protect her. And she'll never know. I promise you, I will always protect you both." He says in a whisper before he see her eyes close. He let go of her hand as he walks over to the nurse taking care of the baby. He could already tell this child had her father's smile. "Doctor Ross, I think you should look at this." The nurse says as she held up the child's left hand.

    On it was a small crescent moon that shined like ice. "I've never seen a birthmark like that." "Oh god... He was right." Ross whispered as he looked at the nurse. "Does that mean she's a werewolf Doctor?" The nurse ask making him shake his head, "No, a werewolf has the star on it's right hand, I... I don't know what this means, it could just be a birth mark." He lied but he knew what it was, it was the same mark as her father's. He picked up the sleeping baby as he carried her to her sleeping mother and put the baby on her chest letting them both sleep.

    He couldn't help but start to cry as he sat down next to them, "Oh god Alex... Your daughter is going to be in more danger then we imaged now." He moved his fingers though his brown hair as he looked at Rose. Her sunshine blonde hair didn't match her name at all but yet he knew that it fit her perfectly because she was just as beautiful as a rose. He's been best friend with Alexander since they were kids, Rose was the first girl they fought over but in the end, she loved Alexander more and he wasn't going fight for her if her heart belonged to him.

     And now his most likely gone, there was no way in Hell that Roxas was going to let him live. Roxas... Another friend from their past. What happened to him? What made him became how he is today, killing ever last  one of Alexander's kind. He looked at the sleeping baby, she was the last one. Her father said she would defect Roxas but looking down at her, he didn't want to put her through that. He wanted her to live a normal, happy life. He put a finger on her tiny hand and felt her squeeze it, "I will do everything in my power to protect you. You will never know the truth

"Elsa Ice."

Hey guys! So here is the just the start of my new story! So the original story of this remastered is my very first story I ever wrote. I found it awhile ago and reread it, it was awful so I thought I could rewrite it as a Jelsa story. I'm really excited to see how different i can make it and what you all think of it! So I'm working on trying to get a chapter a night out. It might be this story or one of my other stories I am working on so please give me time. It's not easy to be a writer and a mother and a wife all at once but I am trying my very best.

So to my readers, thank you for staying with me and not pushing me to update so fast. It means so much to me. You are all the best. So as always I will see you in the next update. I love you all. sorry for my grammar and spelling.

~Kitty Kat

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