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Francine always loved looking through the old family photo albums, and truth be told, she liked looking through Steve's the best. He was her baby, the last child she ever got to hold as her own, the last person that ever completely relied on her. Who actually needed her. She hated seeing him grow up and becoming an adult, but at least she had these pictures to look back on their precious memories together.

The first picture in the album was one of Francine holding her little baby Steve in the hospital room on the day he was born. She had just been through 11 hours of labor and looked like an absolute mess, but she didn't care, she loved this photo. He was such a beautiful baby, looking so sweet sleeping soundly in her arms. She had the look of absolute, unconditional love on her face. Even way back then she knew that she was going to love this child know matter what, for the rest of her life.

The next pages were filled with various events from Steve's childhood. A picture of him covered with cake with blue icing from his first birthday, him sitting in Stan's lap as he read him "The Giving Tree" as a bedtime story, his first day of pre-k, and his very first sleepover with friends he made all by himself. He was so proud to tell his parents all the nice friends he made at school, and was elated when Francine suggested that they all spend the night so they could meet them. Stan was less excited about the idea, and stayed in his office all evening to avoid the children.

Francine took the picture out of the album and turned it over. On the back written in her neat print it said, "Steve, Snot, Toshi, and Barry, age 4." God, had it really been that long ago? She hadn't heard much about Toshi lately, but she knew that Steve was sharing a dorm with Snot, and they said they were still good friends with Barry. 15 years of friendship, It was rather impressive. She wondered how much longer Steve and Snot were going to be together. At this point, her money was on forever.

Francine smiled to herself as she carefully replaced the photo and continued to flip through the album. She was approaching the awkward middle school to high school section of the book, filled with all the moments between 6th grade graduation to high school graduation. This was no doubt that this was definitely the largest section of the book. She skimmed the pages grinning to herself as she came across a picture of Steve with his first real girlfriend, Debbie. She was a nice girl, it almost made her a little sad that there was no chance they were never going to actually work it out. Their love was only a puppy love, but it was sweet nonetheless. The next picture was one of him and his friends at a party, then his first dance, his 15th birthday party.

Francine stopped as her eyes landed on a photo of Steve and Snot, she couldn't tell the date or where exactly they were at, but it was still a cute photo. They were sitting on a bench looking at each other and smiling like they were the only two in the world. Francine smiled softly, her eyes drifting to the other pictures. Steve smiling proudly showing his driver's license to the camera, him sitting in his first car, his junior prom, first day of senior year, and senior prom.

The memory of Steve's senior prom brings a lot feelings to Francine. Steve didn't exactly have a girlfriend at the time, so he and Snot took two of their female friends, Angelica and Eva, and they all went together as 'strictly friends'. But Stan was convinced that there was more going on. He got so excited, believing that Steve finally had a chance to get laid, throw a huge party, or just be normal teenager for once in his life, that he convinced Francine to take a weekend trip to D.C. to see the sights and shit. There was no way he was going to get in the way of Steve losing his virginity before graduating high school, hell, he even made Roger stay at Hayley and Jeff's apartment for the night. But, Francine refused to leave until she got to take prom pictures of her precious baby and his cute little date.

"Come on you two! You're standing a mile away! Get in close like your gonna bang while you're half drunk at another kid's after party," Francine encouraged as she took the pictures.

The Memories These Photos hold (Steve x Snot)Where stories live. Discover now