goodbye (^-^)/ (sorta)

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let's just get straight to the point.

i've moved on from the aphmau fandom.

i've moved on from the undertale fandom.

the aphmau fandom became... acidic over the years. from the fans harrassing artists that don't draw aphmau fanart anymore, to the fanfics, and to certain fans that just love to bullying others... im just so sick and tired of it all. and the fact that aphmau didn't pay no mind to the artists that were harrassed really... disgusted me. im no fan of someone who doesn't do anything about discorse in their fanbase.

the undertale fandom. well, there are some discorse, but the main reason i fell out of the fandom is because i lost interest in the game and the fanworks. i used to be a big fan of zarla's comics, but i just slowly lost interest.

i've moved on from those, and moved into love live!, danganronpa, kingdom hearts, persona 5, and other fandoms.

a bunch of people in the love live community are so generous and kind. and while love live! is known for a song about snow and the classic "nico-nico-nii", the anime is really nice and sif is a really addicting and fun game. and the fact that a bunch of people i see around the fandom are so close and open to other members, it just makes me really happy.

i haven't been around the kingdom hearts fandom that much, but from what I've experienced, a bunch of people are SO FRICKING AWESOME. a few writers i met here are so chill and amazing that im just. amazed. like AAAAAAAA. and a couple of people on ao3 have supported my fanfics on there and one even gave me a small comment that made my day and inspired me to make more.

the danganronpa fandom... idk. a few people i've seen are p cool. but im more in the fandom because of the game. AND CHIAKI MY GAMER WAIFU AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. plus through this fandom, i found a really cool youtuber that leads me to the next fandom i love.

from the really hot (wait im mean--) protagonist, to a frickin eccentric artist, to a pancake-loving detective, the game is so. amazing. the artwork in the game, the intro, the cutscenes, the awakenings. IT'S. SO. GOOD.

but aside all of that.

the aphmau and undertale fandom brought me many amazing friends and gave me so many good memories. i'm not saying "HECK YES, IM FREE!!!", or "man im gonna miss these fandoms", because for one, im not going to miss these fandoms. and im not happy to leave these fandoms either. im just... satisfied with the time i spent on these fandoms. that's why instead of deleting the fanfics on this account and giving it a conplete makeover, im just gonna have a clean slate.

the account i'll be moving to will be aiteou. there, i'll be posting random oneshots that i create in a oneshot book, my usual "edits and stuff" book, and possibly other books.

with a new clean account that is unused, im gonna start a new journey. hopefully it would be as good as sky journey because MMMMM THAT SONG THO.

but until next time.

aiteou, out.

goodbye // moving accounts!Where stories live. Discover now