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Oh hi...awkward introduction time. Yippee. Okay, so well, I decided that I'm madly in love with Harry Styles and basically writing out our life together into an enjoyable story seemed like a fun This brings us, ladies and....well I'm assuming this is all girls. But for those who may or may not be guys, gentlemen, I give you this wonderful...ish fan fic! Okay, let's just get started I guess.


"I'm sorry that this happened," My boyfriend whispered, even though it was the middle of a winters night and no one was outside. His words made me frown while I kicked away a pick of ice.

"Well, it's not your fault," I mumbled, glancing over at his pained expression. We both knew it was his fault. He'd broken my trust, and it's going to take a whole lot more than a sorry to put it back together.

We sat down on a bench in the middle of a park we walked up to. I was getting cold as the temperature slowly dropped. But we needed to talk this out, in private. And there is no privacy anywhere warm for us. 

"It is my fault," He blurts, looking over at me with tears in his eyes. It was obvious that he was hurting with not only the results of his mistakes, but what he had done to get to this point. 

I had so many things to say, some not so nice, but some that could easily make him feel better about the whole situation. The only thing I could do though was sit their and nod slowly.

"I need to ask you one thing though," He says, turning to look me deep in the eyes, making me kind of uncomfortable.


He took in a sharp breath, staring up at the trees for a minute before looking back down at me. "Do you love me?" 

Now usually, a girl would tell him no after he screwed up big time. What led me to say what I said next, I don't know. I didn't even think about it. The words that left my mouth were so natural, no thought was needed. 

"Of course...I am absolutely, head over heels in love with you, Harry Styles."


ANDDDDD....AWKWARD INTRO DONE. It's short, I know. And that's how it's going to be for the next couple chapters...but you know...whatever. My story so. 

k well...bye :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2012 ⏰

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