• H I D D E N •

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"What are you?"

"I don't know..." He giggled. "Maybe I'm a vampire."

I scoff at his words. It's been hours and all I was looking for was a good, hard fuck. Instead I find myself prancing around this dead town at midnight flirting with a glitter midget, prying him towards the motel down the street. After revealing his cocky attitude, I soon realized he was playing "hard to get" and it was only making me more horny than I already was.

"Vampires aren't real."

"True. But what about demons?" He retorts through a drag of his cigarette. I could only stare at his form- so small and petite. Slender. I wanted to thrust at those hips that screamed my name as he leaned against the lamp post; the light illuminating his light brown hair... those soft pink lips.... 
"Do you believe in God, Suzuki-San?"

My eyes snap up at the sound of my name, gazing into his. "A-Akira. You can call me Akira."

"I see." Bright teeth flash as his lips stretch ear to ear fallowed by a melodic laugh.
Was he... laughing at me?


"You're scared."

"I am not!" My voice echoes, filling the empty street.
But he was right. My heart had been racing since we started walking down this creepy road. But I wasn't scared of our surroundings. I was nervous of being able to 'do it' with him. Something about him intrigued me, and I didn't want to give him a disappointing performance.
"Look sparkle munchkin-"

"Ruki. You will call me Ruki."

"... So we gunna do this or not?"

"You're scared but still willing. You're trying to show courage... Trying to be a man and show your dominance." His voice bounced in octaves showing his obvious disgust as he sucked in the sweet nicotine. "It's rather off-putting" he sneers, "and you obviously don't have what you claim."

I could feel the anger rise to my face as he paced away, that ass bouncing in his tight-fitting jeans to the even tempo of his high heels against the concrete. Wasn't long before he was half a mile away with my desperate self chasing after him.

No reply. In fact, he sped up. Before I knew it, we had broke into a high speed pursuit. He was amazingly quick despite the six-inch stilettos.   

This was stupid. Usually I was the one getting girls (and guys) to chase me and fall to my feet. Shouldn't this midget be doing the same? No, of course it had to be the complete opposite. If anything I was embarrassed, but continued to run. Run towards nothing.
The more I ran, the darker it got till it looked like the middle of nowhere all together. Lost in the pitch black concrete jungle.
I managed to stop in my tracks once I reached a dead end in an alleyway; exhausted and hunched over gasping for air. The moment I regained my posture however, my heart began to race again. Not from the unessesary 
exercise, but out of true fear. I had no idea where this was but I knew it wasn't a good part of town.

"Where the fuck did he even go!?" I curse to myself. I managed to loose him in plain sight as if he vanished into the darkness.
Fed up with the evenings bullshit, I turn around ready to find my way home when a movement I could feel behind me shocks me to the core.
I stood frozen still on the corner as the one and only car on the street rolls up next to me. It was dead silent, not even the wind sounded as the drivers window pulled down in an eerie pace; revealing a fair skinned man with full lips and long ebony hair encasing his jawline.
His dark lined round eyes gave me chills as they bore into mine, and I couldn't help but focus on the piercing resting on his bottom lip. 

"H-hi." I stutter. "I'm a little lost. I was wondering if you could-" His eyes flash between me and whatever was behind me, causing me to look back. But it was nothing but the building wall...
"Look, do you know how to get to downtown Shibuya from here!?"

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