Here's where it begins.

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Mercy Andrews


9:47 pm

The time it takes for Brooks to message you back moves as slow as molasses, though it finally comes around and your minds at ease knowing that they're okay. Brooks plus alone time wasn't always the best idea.

Taking in another puff from your joint, you set your phone down. Your mind drifting to a better state, more sedated and less nerve wracked. Though you guess that can't be helped. The stress of the imposing high school year had already set in, it was starting tomorrow after all.

Deciding to forget the rather exciting topic, you take one last hit from the joint before dropping it in your old tea can that now served as an ash tray, and went to the window.

Leaning out, you take in your surroundings. The toxic smell of fuel exhaust, shouts from the neighbors, the red brick wall of the next apartment building over; This had become your home.

Your home away from home at least.

Closing your eyes you picture Seattle in your mind. Thick fog paired with a light drizzle of rain, grey skies, dewy grass, your mother's smile and red hair, your father with her, seemingly happy.

That was your first home, and one you miss dearly though you'd never admit it. No, Mercy Andrews was much too strong to show that much emotion, that fact being the reason a few things would never change around you. For example you and Alison's on going friend with benefits situation, not that either of you minded that's all the two of you were. Though you definitely weren't going to be in any relationship situation past that any time soon, due to a certain unsaid fear of getting too close to anyone.

Anyone but Brooks, and Maybe, just maybe a few others.

Turning around you look to your phone as if waiting on another message which you do receive from the one the only, Arthur Drew. You fall back into bed with a soft smile checking the rather short message.

[A] Hey Merc, you home?

You raise a brow with a smile tugging at your lips. This had become a summer routine for the two of you. He'd sneak in through the fire escape with your favorite things to munch on and the rest of the night was left to cheesy chic flicks, salty snacks, cuddles and maybe even a kiss or two.

[M] Well hey yourself, why do you ask?

[A] Lets say a certian Drew boy has nothing to do and too much on his mind.

You smirked typing out a text, hitting send and already making your way to the wash room to freshen up.This included, washing your face, brushing your teeth running a hand through your hair and looking over your outfit one last time deciding to change.

[M] That so? And I'm supposed to help how?

[A] Well I got to thinkin', and being with you should put both of my problems behind me.

After a few decisions were made you changed into a black strappy sports bra, a plain white crop top and some drawstring sweat pants.

[M] Why I'm honored but its late you dumbass dont you have football training tomorrow?

You shake your head falling back in bed. This guy has too much on his plate already, yet he insists there must be one more night of summer shenanigans.

[A] Maybe, but as it is I don't think I'll be able to sleep with all that's goin' through my mind now.

Come to think of it, there had to be a reason he wanted to come over. His parents had been pretty crap to live with lately from what you've heard, his mom too focused on work, dad 'too tired' to leave his room once home. Though, Arthur had said his dad had been leaving home. Not for work, but doing something shady on the side.

[M] Go home you idiot.

Your phone buzzed almost immediately after sending the message.

[A] Too late. I'm headed your way with snacks and soda in hand.

He knew you too well, knowing just how to convince you otherwise, or at least have you give it another thought.

[M] See you in ten then?

Again a quick response was to follow.

[A] You bet.

What a guy. He was probably the second closest friend you had, seemingly there in a heartbeat whenever you needed. You laugh thinking back to your first day of school in Manhattan. He spotted you and asked you on a date first thing, which you had said yes to out of fun, and wasted loose change going to an arcade together. He was sweet and kind and when the time came, he kissed you as if instinctively shouted out that you had a boy friend.

Needless to say things were awkward for a while, but it was middle school so almost everything was anyway.

Once the two of you got into 9th grade, he claimed the seat beside you in chemistry and asked if you would forget the quote on quote most embarrassing moment of his life. To which you agreed, only bringing the situation up with him as a joke now and then.

You sigh with a smile, the memories bringing you a nice nostalgic feeling . You remember later telling him that you had no boyfriend, but only one crush on a guy. He always prodded trying to get you to spill who it was. Possibly hoping it was himself, but your lips were sealed on the matter. If anyone knew who the real mystery guy was you knew they'd laugh.

You stand with a smile while walking over to your laptop and scrolling through some songs before deciding on "3 rounds and a sound" by The Blind Pilot.

Humming along to the tune, you pace around your room, swaying to the music. Waiting patiently for a soft knock on your window, signaling that Aruthur had arrived. And as if on cue, you hear a series of five knocks, a little rhytm the two of you had thought up. Walking over you open up the window letting him in.

"Well heya Drew."

He steps in like the room is his own, setting down a bag of chex mix along with ginger ale and a hersheys symphony bar.

Arthur stood at 6'1" with light brown hair, green eyes, olive skin, and a perfect smile. He was most definitely the one and only school golden boy.

"Whats shakin' Merc?" he grins falling back into your bed, looking up to you without a care in the world.

"What are you, from the fifties?" you snicker picking up the chocolate bar and peeling off the wrapping, snapping off a corner before jumping in bed with Arthur.

"Sadly no, but I can play the part if needed." he wrapps his arms securely around your torso dragging you in close.

"Nah. Plain, dorky you will work just fine. So what's first on the list?"

He arranges the two of you so that you're in his lap, him hugging you like some sort of teddy bear. "Hmm, well I say comfort cuddles, then we watch Mean Girls and or White Chicks." you nod with a smile, leaning into his arms, pulling a blanket around yourself.

"Sounds like a plan."

The rest of your time together consists of a series of movie classics, stolen kisses, nights full of cuddles, and the two of you sleeping peacefully till morning.

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