Jared eats a bath bomb

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Jared POV

I walk into the bathroom and look around, making sure no one followed me. I creep towards the sink slowly to continue my guilty pleasure. I reach into my bag and pull out my one obsession, Pink Sparkltastic Glitter Bath bomb. I looked at it with a lust in my eyes.

Evan POV

'Where is Jared?', I thought to myself as I knocked on his bedroom door.
  -no answer-
Maybe he went out? I had the urge to go to the bathroom, so I made my way down the hall, but suddenly I heard a sound at the door. I twisted the door knob slowly and walked in.

Jared POV

I had about half of the entire delicious and magical bath bomb in my mouth when I heard a rather effeminate screech.
"NUH AH ANAHS", was all I could make out before Evan started trying to pull it out of my mouth.
"JA-JARED YOU ARE N-NOT GOING TO EAT ANOTHER BA-BATH BOMB", he struggled to remove it from my jaws.
I bit down hard and half of the scrumdittily umcious orb of flavourful delight filled my mouth.

Evan POV

"JARED", I gasped. "SPIT IT OUT NOW", I yelled in my opinionatedly manly voice, "YOU CANT JU-", I was cut off by Jared falling to the floor giggling and waving his arms with glee as the ball of chemicals and colourings spewed out of his mouth with every jolt of his throat. He crawled/shuffled to the toilet and opened his mouth above it and spat all of it out. "Jared, why? Why now????", I questioned with no answer.

Jared POV

'I AM THE RAINBOW OVER LORD, FEAR MY WRATH OF GAY' was all I could think as I rolled over to the toilet to attack the hiding monsters in our home restroom. I heard a doorbell, but I was enjoying myself way too much to even care.

Connor POV

I walked into Evan's house, cause why the fuck not, and started looking for him. It didn't take long till I heard panting and gagging. I smirked and walked into the bathroom, only to see something I'll never be able to unsee. Jared was throwing up rainbows while Evan was rubbing his back and ranting about how stupidly weird Jared was.

Evan POV

I heard a jacka-Connor walk in as I was telling Jared what an idiot he was. I didn't turn around to face Connor, I felt bad, but he deserved it. Especially since I knew what he did.

Connor POV
"Come on Evan", I punched his arm playfully, "A little coke never hurt anyone", I giggled and stared down at Jared who was undoubtedly having the best trip of his life.

Jared POV (drugged)

I walked over the fields of the battle grounds as I saw a mysterious figure, I named him Tom, cause he looked rude. And no way am I going to respect someone enough to say their full name if they rude as fuck. "Hey, what is up my dude", I said nervously. Of course this dick head ignored me, but fuck him.

No ones POV

Jared started to turn around and look at Connor, still barfing rainbows, and hugged his leg until he was flung off and rainbow upchuck was spewed everywhere. Evan screamed in disgust, "CONNER WHY ARE YOU HERE, JARED, THIS IS WHY YOU SHOULDNT EAT BATH BOMBS". Jared just stared at the wall and stopped throwing up, and made out with the wall. "What the actual fuck was in that?", Evan asked while shooting Connor a dirty look. "Crack", Connor muttered quietly. "I like it, got anymore?" Jared asked with a cute smile. Connor pulled out a baggy. "NO CONNOR YOU DUMBASS", said Evan while slapping the baggy into the toilet.

Evan POV

"CONNOR DONT HIT ME", Evan yelled in fear and hid behind Jared. Connor laughed, "It was sugar my dude"

Wowzers this is garbage but it's meh first story so I'll add another part or something when I'm bored and have nothing better to do 0.O

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