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It's so hard to wrap your mind around the concept of time. How does it work? Why do it seem to go faster on some days and slower on others? Why when we enjoy ourselves it flys by? I don't know about anyone else, but I can almost perfectly remember three to four years ago. It seems so long ago but so new. Long ago because I was so young and growing up and maturing changed me, but I can remember so much so clearly, and it just feels like a week ago.

People say in the blink of an eye I'll be an adult. Is that supposed to be good? What if I don't want to grow up? But I also don't want to be immortal, or freeze time. Why does time pass so quickly. In a few years I'll be in college looking for a job and a spouse and that's terrifying. I won't remember much of now it'll only be a blurry haze. And what if I don't want to grow old?

Why would someone be content with just repeating the same activities each day with minor changes until you die? No one will remember who I was or what I did in my life. Just imagine the thousands of people who seem to have never existed, they practically lived their life and died never to be know again. Or those who are barely remembered for anything. It's sad and scary. What if I die and only my friends and family know me. They will soon die as well and I will be a forgotten person in history who did practically nothing and no one will ever know I existed.

Wow having an extensional crisis is fun.

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