An Unexpected Night With Jeon Jungkook (Part 1)

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Imagine this:
It is a breezy autumn night and the colorful flowers that you saw just a week ago have started turning orange and brown.

You are now walking on the side walk with some scattered leaves in the busy streets of Seoul, South Korea.

On your way home from your Korean language classes, you decide to buy some pastries for your loving Filipina-Korean aunt who will be letting you stay in one of her apartments for the next few months as you take your classes during your gap year.

Finally you enter Paris Baguette and give to the ajumma (middle-aged lady) your tray which has one long stick pie and one almond croissant.

Now that you are about to pay, you put down your phone on the counter and go through your bag to find your wallet.

"Kamsahamnida! (Thank you!) Manee paseyo! (Please sell a lot!) you say as you receive your change and head toward the bakery's glass door.

You are now at the waiting shed and just got in the bus when you see a namja (young man) quickly run to you.

You look to your right and you see BTS' Jungkook out of breath.

"Miss, jamkanmaniyo! Igeot (this)... You left this at the bakery," Jungkook says as he wipes off his sweat on his face.

In embarrassment, you quickly take your phone from the namja and accidentally press your phone's lock/unlock button which shows a sajin (picture) of Jungkook.

"Jeongmal kamsahamnida! (Thank you so much!) I was so careless. I shouldn't have left it," you said as you immediately bowed in embarrassment.

"Again, kamsahamnida. Keurigo (and/also), mianheyo (I'm sorry)," you say, getting on the bus as you get weak at the knees because of Jungkook's attractiveness.

Just before the bus door closes, you hear fangirls screaming Jungkook's name from a distance. All of a sudden, Jungkook hops on the bus as well and sits on the seat across you.

"So... I saw the picture on your lock screen awhile ago. You like BTS?" Jungkook asks you, breaking the silence.
"Ye, naneun BTS manh-i joh-ahanda! (Yes, I like BTS a lot)," you quickly reply because of your nervousness.

Jungkook lets out a smile at your reply and looks at you. Feeling kind of restless, you decide to look outside turning to the window.
Unexpectedly, the rain starts to pour and you hope that it will stop soon because you forgot to bring an umbrella.

"Where will you get off, by the way? It's getting late now. I could walk you to your your house," Jungkook says politely.

"It's-it's fine, you don't have to do that. I'm afraid I might be a bother," you reply.

Finally, you reach the bus stop nearest to your place. Unfortunately, it's still raining and you have to get off the bus before the bus driver calls your attention.

"I have to go. Annyeonghikyeseyo (Goodbye), Jungkook." you say, leaving Jungkook who is still seated in the bus.

With only your bag covering your head, you start brisk walking to your apartment.

"Gidaryeo juseyo (Please wait)!" you hear a voice that sounds like Jungkook's.

Jungkook runs to you and covers both of your heads from the rain with his denim jacket.

"I really feel uneasy about letting you go home like this," he says looking at you intently.

You smile in agreement to let him take you home and both of you brave the rain together.

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