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On the first day of school,
Phone call from 🎊🎈💞👅👀

Aundrey ;Heyyy Bestfriend,Lets go to school together

Kei;Ya its the first day of school lets be early

yyyy????Lets be late instead

Kei; Helllo Mr.Know it all,I am in different class then you so is Paul,Jun all.Do u expect me to be late??

Aundrey; Okay okay 15 mins earlier you okay??Since your house is only like few mins away?

Kei; Okay then meet you in 20 mins time then.

Aundrey; Wait i just remembered that i have to assemble at the foyer and for you at the Hall.

Kei; uh yea,then we could seperate at the foyer then later.

Aundrey; You sure your okay?

Kei; Damn Aundrey,You knoe i am happy to be seperated from you hahhahaha okay jokes.

Aundrey; K

Kei; I will be getting ready so yea bye.

Aundrey; Kei

Kei; Yes what u want somemore??

Aundrey; Nothing,Bye,
Aundrey cut off the phone call just like that.

After the phone was cut,I walked to the toilet to take a bath,it took me like 5 mins to bathe when i was about to turn off the water, Someone came in,

"Kei,You need to be faster how long should i wait for you,"

"Oiiii?!??!?, What are you doing here i tought we are meeting in 20 mins time??"

"Aiyaaaaa confirm you will take like more than 20 mins to get ready."

"Get the f**k out from my bathroom before i kill you."

"Okay okay Kei will be waiting for you downstairs,"


"Jun all are on the way so yea,"

"Go out!!!!!!!!"

"Chill Kei ,"
Aundrey slammed the door shut.

"He with his stupid brain,"

Wrapping my towel around myself,I walked outside seing Laura looking through my wardrobe,
I faked cough.

"Found what you are looking for??"I said

Laura just shake her head as an dissagreement

"The bottom drawer."I told her and she automatically walks towards the drawer.

Laura found the perfume and walk off leaving with a slammed door.

"Rude" i muttered.

After finish changing into my uniform,I let my hair dry and took out a sling bag,I put a notebook,pen,comb and my wallet into it.

When i look at the time theres only 5 mins until school starts.

"Damn shit,I am late on the first day of school,"

Aundrey came knocking on my door,
"Someone said that she wanted to be early today but that person is late."

"Go away apppaa..."

"Princess take a long time to get ready,"

"I am not a princess you old man."I said as open the door.

"Laura when out already,cause she knew that your going to be late,"

"I knoe i saw her with her school bag finding my perfume."i said while Aundrey face showing a mehhh impression.Like u knoe the kind of blurr face.

"Okay enough lets go,we are already late."He drag me down the stairs while Jun all was already wearing their shoes.

"Lets take the car instead it will be faster."
"Butttt......"Jun muttered.
"Okay then u alls get into the car now.You can wear it in the car."I interupt him.

Mr.Sam start to drive as soon as we get out to the main road.

"Damn shit did an accident happen or wat??"Why is it so jammed."Louoon said with an shook espression

"Kei,I think its better if we walk."Jun said while Paul just nod his head

"Then Mr.Sam will be stuck here all alone."i said

"Kei...."Aundrey tried to say something but he stop

"Keiiiiiii...We are late"Yan said as he look straight into my eyes.
"Espicially its the first day of school"he continued.

"Keiii...Its okay you all can go,youre already late so its better if you walk, if not, your going to be damn late."Mr Sam start to speak up.

"Mr.Sam,Alright then you can go home and rest after this.I will go to the Library before going home."I said as Aundrey all try to get out from the car.

"I am realllyyyy realllyy sorrryyy i am seriously sorry."I apologise to him.

We dashed to the pathway and walk to school.I look at Mr Sam who is smiling at me.I waved goodbye to him.

And slowly the car started to move.
By that time im already at the school entrance.

Once we entered the school,we could sense that eyes were on all 6 of us.
"I think its because we are late that is why they are looking at our direction."I said

Yan look towards me,
"Ermm i dun think so,I think they are..."
"Nahhh.....lets ignore them,We are late Yan,"i interupt

We all seperated into different ways,Aundrey and Jun to the foyer for Business courses Paul and Looune to the auditarium for Engineering and lastly Yan and I are in the same class so we went to the Hall to assemble for the Technologies classes.

For Laura shes took an Nursing course so she will be at the Nursing Room.

While Yan and I are talking someone looks at us in a weird way.

When i turned around,Others are also looking at us.
"Is there something on my face????"I said as i ask Yan to check my face.

He hold my face with both his hands and move my head left and right.

"Damn Yan,I pushed his hands away."he shakes his head.
"Is there anything on my face then."He said.


Yan was shook by my answer he look into my pupil to see himself.

"Handsomenesssss hahahahahahhaha that is why the girls looking at you."

"So are the boys looking at you cause your prettyyyy.""

"Lets go enough of this" I said leaving Yan behind.

We took the escalator as it being us directly to the Hall.

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