Smoke & Mirrors

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Avi smiled as she approached them. Graciously she smiled back and shifted her gaze to the woman that stood beside him. The woman opened her arms wide and pulled her in for a warm and friendly embrace. She hugged her just as liberally. She was careful not to hit her in the head with her guitar.

"Rayne, is that you?" Rayne nodded happily. It had been a minute since she'd been asked that with such exuberance.

"Amanda. It's an honor to meet you." She felt like she was fangirling, and probably was, but she just didn't care. She was a fan. And this woman. This courageous and wonderful woman was simply amazing to her. She felt honored to be there. To meet her and to be invited. It was great to meet her.

"I am honored. How was your drive? You did drive and didn't you bring a friend with you?"

"I did. I brought my best friend Mel." Mel waved from behind Rayne where she had been hiding. She almost missed her cue to do so because she was so distracted by Avi's presence. It seemed everyone was. Looking at him standing there in a nice pair of black jeans, a black snapback and a black button down with his sleeves rolled, collar open and his long dark hair curling down in front of his shoulders in neat little ringlets, she could see why people were still fawning over him. Mel was certain she was drooling. Then he turned those lovely green eyes on them. Mel froze and Rayne's heart skipped beats, beats, not just one. His smile could have warmed the sun.

"This is Avi Kaplan, the vocal bass for Pentatonix. I'm sure you already knew that. But," she paused for effect, "did you know that we went to high school together?" Another pause.

"No. I didn't. But you went to school in California. I bet a lot of people went to school with him." Rayne replied in the tiny pause that was left to her.

Unperturbed, Amanda just carried on. "It's so nice to have him here this year." Amanda cooed and patted his arm. Avi didn't seem to notice the contact or the suggestive undertones in Amanda's voice. Maybe she was just being a bit paranoid. His eyes found Rayne's and just stayed there. Everybody knew that he was famous and what he was famous for. It was also clear that Amanda wanted everyone to know that they were old friends as if there were more to it than that these days. She tried hard not to roll her own green eyes. It was her turn to smile and time for his heart to try and beat out of rhythm, which it did. He spied the guitar case slung over her shoulder and smiled even more. She brought it.

"Avi," Amanda purred his name as she needlessly touched Avi's forearm again like she was trying to connect to him and display that connection, flaunt it and use it at the same time to boost herself, in a gesture that was far too intimate for him, "This is Rayne Robinson, world class marathon runner, advocate for People Against Texting and Driving and her friend Mel." Rayne didn't know what it was, but suddenly she wasn't so fond of this woman. There was something very condescending in the way she said Mel's name and the way she spoke in general. She gave off that 'I'm better than you' vibe that Rayne actually hated. She was also trying to exploit whatever connection she thought she had with Avi, throwing it in Rayne's face. Avi bowed deeply to Rayne, as she mimicked his gesture then reached for her hand and smiled a liquid gold smile as he took it in his. She felt that familiar spark at his touch. His hand was cold but soft. He gripped her hand firmly and reluctantly let it go a few seconds later.

"Pleased to meet you, Rayne, Mel." He nodded towards Mel peeking around Rayne's shoulder to flash a warm smile at her. He let Rayne's name roll gently off his lips as his eyes locked to hers for a brief moment and a tiny little smirk of a grin teased at the corner of his mouth. This should be fun.

"Avriel." She spoke his name softly it rolled off her tongue with practiced ease.

"Do you play?" He nodded towards the soft case on her back. She looked at him utterly confused, her brows creasing for a moment before widening her eyes in surprise and smiling a brilliant smile at him. She opened her mouth to speak and wound up smirking into his eyes and nodding.

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