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I hate writing/reading these types of chapters so I feel like a cute Alex Ernst and Bailey video is needed. So my readers...

Alex or Bailey? 😉

Now back to the book, (even though most of you have probably left) this is my first book I've ever written and I know I will appreciate all your kind (that is if there is any) and constructive comments. 

Of course there will be hate but how about we turn this into a game?

If you manage to offend then I won't block your comment, I'll comment back basically notifying you that you've successfully offended me (let me tell you, it's a herculean effort). Although comments I know that will offend my readers (e.g. religion, sexuality etc.) will be blocked. No exception.

Here is the description again for some readers' brains sometimes switch off (I know for a fact mine does).

The name Savannah comes from Spanish origin.

The meaning of the name Savannah is: "flat tropical grassland."

Raised in calm flat grassland, Savannah Nixage was named after her beautiful birthplace.

The name Ronald comes from Scottish/English origin.

The meaning of the name Ronald is: free-born; Powerful Ruler

Ronald Spencer definitely lives up to his name.

Savannah Nixage is well known in the entertainment industry for her success in action movies. As well as her effortless success, she has the smarts, a sculpted body, and a mischievous personality...

And an endless stream of bad luck.

Being the generous and loyal friend that she was resulted her in getting caught at the wrong place at the wrong time. Fortunately a perverted housekeeper didn't catch her, but by Police Captain Ronald Spencer.


Captain Ronald Spencer is in charge of the troublesome Ethismo drug case. A problem the police are handling involving wealthy superiors that are behind the illegal doings of transferring this addictive drug worldwide.

After catching the young actress during her 'crime', in order to save her social image and to prevent the public discovering what their favourite talented actress had done he makes her deal that will benefit her, himself and the 3 other trusted officers involved in the case.

"Savannah,become my undercover agent and get close to the evil masterminds behind thiscase and I'll forget what you did."


BOOK #1 - Undercover Affection (ACTION)

Ronald Spencer + Savannah Nixage

BOOK #2 - Fighting for Affection (WEREWOLF)

Derek Amalric + Adalyn Piaras

[NOT WRITTEN YET]BOOK #3 - Beyond Affection (ROMANCE)

Kane McGrevier + Valerie Archer


BOOK #4 - Lusting Affection (VAMPIRE)

Gray Diablo + Laila Medlin 


Now that all the important information is out, I hope you enjoy this book.

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