New kid

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"Angel..Sir, Are you sure you want to do this..?" My assistant asks worryingly.
"We've been over this, I'm going to be fine. Don't worry about me." I smile with my sharp, white teeth.
"If you say so, hopefully your fans won't recognize you with your shorter hair. You'll have to be careful." She warns looking at me with her bright blue eyes, almost compelling me. Her eyes are ice cold and give you a serious feeling to conversations.
"I will.." My smile soon faded away into a slightly awkward smirk
"Then off you go" she nudges me and smiles "have a good day sir" she says as I open the door to the car, walk out and come to see a few eyes fixing onto me.
I smile and try to brush it off but couldn't help looking back at them once in a while.
"What the hell, who does he think he is" a deep voice coming from a tall, handsome male, locking eyes with me.
I nervously continue walking and picked up a faster pace to avoid getting too much attention
Many girls watched my every move as I felt myself being sunken deeper and deeper into anxiety every step in the quad, making my way into the hall..

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