Bad Day

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Phil woke up at precisely 8:42 in the morning when his alarm went off. He sat up, yawned, and sat in bed until 8:45.

He got up and pulled on jeans and his favorite t-shirt, which was green and tight and soft.

He brushed his teeth and hair at 8:50.

He went to the kitchen and made a bowl of shreddies. He set up coffee to brew and left the kitchen. He grabbed a handful of Dan's crunchy nut on the way to the living room. Phil knew Dan would be upset, but it was part of his Tuesday routine. Dan knew that he couldn't do anything about it.

Phil browsed Tumblr until 9:45, when he went to Dan's room to wake him up.

Dan was under the covers, presumably asleep, when Phil came in. Phil yanked the comforter off Dan, and Dan groaned and shielded his eyes from the light.

"Rise and shine Daniel, time to get up! We have a gaming video to film, shopping to do, and coffee ready in the kitchen."

Dan moaned and rolled over, pressing his face into his pillow.

"I don't wanna," He grumbled, voice muffled by the fabric.

"I'll make you a bowl of Crunchy Nut, alright? Now get up and get ready."


"I'll take that as a yes. Hurry up."

Phil went back into the kitchen, got a bowl, and made Dan his promised crunchy nut. He also grabbed two mugs for coffee, Hello Kitty for Dan, One Direction for Phil.

As he was pouring Dan's coffee, Dan appeared in the doorway.

He was slightly rocking from his heels to his toes and back, and making a small humming noise in the back of his throat.

"Coffee's ready. Go queue up and anime while I get a hobnob," Phil said, handing Dan his coffee and cereal. Dan nodded as thanks and went to the living room to choose an anime.

Phil quickly grabbed a cookie and went to join Dan on the couch. He made a few short whirring noises then clicked his tongue. He bounced up on his toes twice before plopping down on the sofa.

"What'd ya choose?" Phil asked in his full Northern accent, "Woah, full on Northern there,"

Dan huffed a laugh. "Free!"


"First we're going to go to the store, because we need milk ASAP. Then we're going to the shoe store because I wore through my last pair. " Dan grumbled. "I know I'm sorry! I'm not to thrilled either, so it'll be really quick I promise. Then we're going to starbucks. Then we're coming home and filming a sims video. Then we will have four hours of downtime before we make dinner. Okay?"

Dan nodded microscopically.

"Go get what you need." They got up and went to their separate rooms.

Phil put on his favorite sweatshirt and opened up his bedside drawer. He took out his stim toy box and decided which would be coming with him. He decided on his blue and green tangle junior, his grey and red fidget cube, and a rainbow teether ring. He put all of these in his jacket pocket. (The chewable was in a ziplock first.)

Back in the living room, Dan was waiting for him, spinning slowly in circles, and still making a low humming noise. He was wearing black skinny jeans, converse, and his favorite black and grey sweater. He also had his galaxy backpack.

"What've you got for the trip Dan?"

Dan unzipped his backpack and dumped it out, revealing his ratty old dog stuffed animal named Tank, his squishy ice cream, his twiddle, his bead ring, his weighted lizard, and a slinky. There was also his ipad, phone, and noise cancelling earbuds.

Bad Day (Autistic Dan and Phil)Where stories live. Discover now