Instructions & Sample

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Hi! My name is Jenna and I'm offering to make movie trailers for your books!

I made a trailer for the book I'm currently writing at the time: Earth-Criminal Rehab. It was helpful to have for my readers and was extremely fun to make.

If you'd like one, please message me or email me at with the following details:

- Your wattpad username and/or your name
- The genre of your book
- The title!
- A detailed and descriptive summary of your book. Basically... spoil it for me! Tell me what the climax of the story is! I won't give it away, I just need to lead up to it in the trailer.
- Who you would want as actors/actresses for your characters?
- What you would want to see in your trailer? (if there are specific clips of videos you would want in there let me know) it helps me so much if you have these in mind.
- What kind of feeling do you want the audience to feel while and after watching the trailer?
- And anything else you would like me to know before I make it?

Below is an example of my trailer as a sample for my style. If you enjoyed it, you might like the story! Do me a favor and check it out!

The trailer took me about a few days to make, but I would appreciate if you gave me a week or two to ensure that your trailer is made exactly the way you want it to be.

Do you have any friends you think would like these trailers? Let them know by tagging them in the comments or sending this to them!

Thank you!

Wattpad Book TrailersDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora