Miles from Tomorrowland part 1

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One day in the land of Tomorrowland, there lived a young 7 year old boy, who wanted to go to outer space, but the TTA told his parents that Miles have to be at least 12 years old. Miles couldn't wait to be 12 years old, but that is 5 years from now. Miles wished that there was a time machine that can make the time be 5 years in the future. Sqwack Sqwack said Merc, trying to tell Miles that his mom wanted him to clean his room, and Miles realized that he forgot. Oh no! Miles said, my mom will give me a whopping. But an hour later, his mom came in the room. Miles didn't I tell you to clean your room, Miles mom said. Yes, but I was too busy, Miles said. Busy doing what Miles, Miles mom said. Feeding Merc his booster bites, Miles said. Sqwack Sqwack, Merc said to Miles, trying to tell him that telling the truth is the best thing to do. So Miles just went along with it and told the truth. Mom, I was too busy thinking about why can't I go to outer space like you, dad, and Loretta, Miles said. Well, sweetie we are old enough to go, and your sister is 12 years old, Miles mom said. Mom I have one question, Miles asked. What is it, Miles? Miles mom asked. Am I part alien, Miles asked? Are you part alien, Miles mom said. Yeah, because my sister Loretta is part alien, so I want to know am I part alien too, Miles said. Who told you that Loretta is part alien, Miles mom asked? Well, she have been telling me that there is a third part of her Miles said. Well, she is part alien, but just about 15 through 20 percent but the rest of her is human, Miles mom said. Miles looked at his mom, and smiled at her. As his mom left the room, Miles just sighed, because he didn't understand why his mother was so protective of him than his sister. I wonder when will she ever believe in me, Miles said. Sqwack Sqwack, Merc said. Your right buddy, whenever the time is right, Miles said. Hey Merc, Miles said. Sqwack, Merc said. Do you want to go to Loretta's room, to see what she doing, Miles asked? Uh-huh, Merc said. Okay, lets go, Miles said. Miles wanted to tip-toe out of the room, so his parents won't hear him. Yes, we did it, buddy, Miles said to Merc. When they made it to Loretta's room, Miles and Merc couldn't believe their eyes. Loretta was looking up the builders from long ago, who wanted her and her family to complete a mission, which was to connect the universe and to protect it. Loretta, can I ask you a question, Miles asked? What is it, Miles, Loretta said. How does it feel to be an alien, Miles asked? Well, it is kind of exciting and somewhat embarrassing, Loretta said. How is it embarrassing, Miles asked? Miles, no more questions after this one, Loretta said. No, I am not being funny, I am being serious, Miles explained to her. Okay, but you promise not to tell no one Miles, Loretta said. Loretta, I am your little brother, you should be able to trust me, Miles said with a smirk on his face. Well, this story is going to take a while for me to tell it, so I would advise you to sit back and get comfortable, Loretta said. Wait, did you just s..... never mind, Miles said. At TPS, Loretta said. What is TPS, Miles asked? TPS stands for Tomorrowland Public School, you know the school we go to. Ohhhhh, continue, Miles said. Well, the kids there used to tease me, such as saying that I am a big fat alien head, and that I am a nerd, and all that other stuff, Loretta said. Hahahahaha, Miles said. Loretta turned to look at Miles with a frown and then Miles stopped laughing and told her to continue. Miles, I was happy when mom and dad told me that I was going to be a big sister, but now I realized that you are against me, Loretta said with an angry tone in her voice. Listen, I am not against you, its just how the way you said it, Miles said with a very frustrated tone. Stop lying, Miles, Loretta said. You know what, you are going to make me say it, Miles said. Say what, Loretta said. That I wish that you wasn't my sister, Miles screamed. Mom, Dad Miles said something really mean, Loretta said. What is going on in here, Miles dad said. Miles said that I am the worst sister ever, Loretta said. Did you say that Miles, their dad asked. Yes dad, Miles said. Why did you say that to your sister, Miles mom asked as she walked through the door. I said it because Loretta called me a liar, Miles said. I have to make up a day when you and your sister can sit down and talk your feelings about each other, Miles mom said. I don't think we can do that Mom, Loretta said making a frown at her brother. Well, you two will get used to it, Phoebe said. Okay mom, said Miles and Loretta at the same time. I'm glad that we all agree, now can we get back to being family again, their mom said. I can do it for you mom, Miles said. Loretta, if your brother can agree, then so can you, Phoebe said. Okay, I guess mom, said Loretta, sighing. Okay then so can we please go and enjoy a beautiful sunset, Phoebe said. That will be great honey, Leo said. I wish Auntie Frida was here, Miles said. Why Miles, Loretta said with curiosity. Because she will take us on the best adventure ever, Miles said with a smile on his face. We take you two on the best adventures ever too, Leo said with a jealous look. Well, I guess they can go with their aunt for about 3 or 4 hours, Phoebe said. Mom please say we can, Miles said. Alright, what do you think Leo, Phoebe said. Well, I guess they can go and feel the fresh air, Leo said. What are you guys going to do while we are gone, Loretta said. We are going to go to outerspace for a mission, Phoebe said. Can I go, because I don't want to be around Miles, Loretta said. I heard that, Miles said. Now you two this is not the time to be arguing, and no Loretta, you are going to stay here with Miles, and the both of you are going to find out how to get along with one another, Phoebe said. Aw, craters, said Miles and Loretta at the same time. Let me go call Frida on the phone, be right back, Phoebe said as she walked out the room. I can't wait to go on an adventure with Auntie Frida, Miles said. Why are you talking to me Miles, and you said that I am the worst sister in the entire universe, Loretta said. What did your mother say, Leo said. Be nice to each other, but dad Miles is very irritating, Loretta said. You are irritating and stupid, now what else do you have to say about me, Miles said. You two better stop it, before you two don't go anywhere, but at your grandparents house, Leo said. But dad, we don't want to go to Gong Gong and Po Po house today, Miles said. Okay then, start treating each other like real siblings, Leo said with a frown. But dad, we are real siblings, aren't we, Loretta said with a confused look. You guys are real siblings Loretta, Leo said. Awww..... I thought that you was saying that we were both adopted and that we wasn't really related, Miles said. Sqwack Sqwack, Merc said. Come on kids, Frida said she is on her way, Phoebe said. Yay, we get to go with Auntie Frida, Miles said. The reason why you two are going to Frida is because she is going to teach you guys, Phoebe said. Teach us about what mom, Loretta said. About how to get along with one another, and how to treat each other like real brother and sister, Phoebe said. But, said Miles and Loretta at the same time. No buts, Phoebe said. Awww..... Craters, Miles and Loretta said. Hi, my Callisto family, how are you today, Frida asked? We are good sis, we were just wondering if you like to baby-sit Miles and Loretta, Phoebe said. That would be wonderful, but.... where are they Frida asked? They are in their room, Phoebe said. Great, then I'm on my way to pick my niece and nephew up, Frida said with a grin. That is fine, Phoebe said. Ok, Frida said, and Pollock came on the screen to wave goodbye. Miles and Loretta looked at each other and laughed, until they finally said bye to Pollock and their Auntie Frida. Leo was sitting in his chair looking at Miles then Loretta until he finally said that he can't wait to see his kids talk to each other in a respectful manner. Miles and Loretta just looked at each other then frowned, as if they didn't want to agree with their father. Captain Callisto, there is a ship in the hangar, and I was wondering if you can go see who this person really is, Stella said. Of course Stella, Phoebe said. When they finally made it to the hangar, they saw a woman with black hair, tan skin, and blue streaks in her hair, and they finally realized that it was Auntie Frida. Auntie Frida, Miles and Loretta said running up to their favorite auntie. Hi Milio and Loretta, Auntie Frida said. Hi sister, how is it orbiting, Phoebe said with a smile. Nothing much sis, because that is why they say live on Mars after all, Frida said as her and her sister started to laugh. Oh Frida, my sister, I can see that you haven't changed a bit, Phoebe said laughing and rolling her eyes at the same time. Hey, there's my sister-in-law, Leo said with a smirk. Hey, my favorite brother-in-law, Frida said with smile, and her cheeks were red. So... Frida, Phoebe said. Yes... was you talking to me, Frida asked? No the floor, Phoebe said rolling her eyes at the same time. (New part start) "You need to watch Miles and Loretta, because they are in a huge argument?" Phoebe said. "Why?" Frida said. "Frida we told you on the screen that the kids were in a heated argument, remember." Leo said shaking his head. "Not as I can recall, but okie dokie then," Frida said rubbing her head. "So, are you just going to stand here or take the kids on a space adventure," Phoebe said. "I am going to take them on a space adventure.... you know.... something you guys have never thought about before," Frida said. "Well, that was quite insulting," Leo said. "Sorry for saying it like that big brother," said Frida. "Wait a minute, is Frida on mom or dad side?" Loretta said with a confused look. "Well, who do she look more like," Phoebe asked. "You," Miles and Loretta said at the same time."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2020 ⏰

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