Don't Say Goodbye (Ryan X Brendon)

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  • Dedicated to The Panic! Family <3

(This is fake,NEVER happened its just a dream I had and wrote down okay.)

People say to make the most of life; to soak up the moments you spend with loved ones,cherish them forever.

No one really listens though do they?

You don't think about the future; one day everything will be gone and the memories are all you'll have left.

No one thinks about that.

No one thinks it'll happen to them.

We're born and raised to understand life and death yet we never really accept it until it happens.

Even then we don't want to believe it.

I'm an atheist.

I wasn't when I was born or when I was a young child but when I got to my teenage years eveything changed...I met someone.

He was beautiful.

He changed everything about me.

I was a mormon. I was taught to follow God to pray everyday,I was taught to love who our parents wanted us to love. He changed that though.

The first time we kissed; the sparks,the taste,the chemistry

The time we held hands walking through the park.

Everything was perfect: for me.

At home everything wasn't perfect... for him.

He used to come into school,his arms all bruised.

Sometimes he even had broken bones.

I wanted to help him but he told me not to ask and to surpress my feelings.

I remember how he used to cuddle into me and act as if the world stood still of course it didn't time flew by and I just assumed we'd have more time together.

Summer,Autumn passed and then winter came.

I remember asking him to stay over for christmas but of course his father wouldn't allow it.

I went to visit him instead but only for a minute,I knew full well I couldn't stay long.

I remember sneaking into his garden,I heard yelling followed by screaming..more yelling then silence.

Silence worried me most.

I didn't know what to do.

So I waited,for  hours.

Eventually someone came out..him.

He looked so different.

Bruises and cuts ran up his arm. His eyes were black,nose slightly more crooked and I could've sworn I saw some blood in his hair.

He was crying.

What could I do?

What could I say?

Why didn't he want help?

I left that day.

Then I got a phonecall.

It was muffled but I could decipher it..just.

"H-help-p m-me-e"

That was all I needed I  raced over there in my moms car.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2012 ⏰

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