"Part of the List"

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Author's Note: I do not own Young Justice or any of the show's characters because if I did, I most definitely wouldn't have canceled the show. It would still be on CN living up to everyone's expectations. As for the song I used in to inspire the lists in this fanfic, they come from Ne-yo's hit song "Part of the List" from his third album "Year of the Gentleman." So, I cannot take credit for the lists; but the idea for this story was mine :)

This story is also featured as a part of my Fanfiction.net profile, for those of you who would rather read it there; but as an introductory piece to Wattpad, I decide to go back to an old favorite. Enjoy guys!

"Part of the List"

Artemis unlocked the front door of her apartment and slowly pushed it open. Her knees grew weak as the smell of his cologne filled her nostrils. She put one foot inside of the apartment and walked in on wobbly legs over to the couch. Brucely was laying on the left cushion staring up at her with sad brown eyes. He released a whine at the realization that she'd returned home yet again without her companion by her side.

The blonde archer took a deep breath as she lowered herself onto the couch beside him and pat the bulldog's head gently. After all, it was a part of her daily routine of the past few months. She'd wake up from a heart-wrenching nightmare that left her in a cold sweat, shower and head for class. She never bothered with eating, for the mere sight of the refrigerator was enough to bring her to tears. That explained the amount of emptied take-out boxes that litteed the kitchen counters and coffee table in the living room.

After a long day of classes, she'd come home just like she had done that day, and collapse onto the couch. She'd turn the TV on and absentmindedly scribble something down to turn into her professor the next morning. She'd then order take-out, feed Brucely and head into her empty bedroom to sleep in a half-empty bed along with her half-empty soul.

"I thought they said that time would make things easier." she whispered to no one in particular as the corner of her mouth curved up into a sad smile. "But they were wrong...they were so wrong. Time only makes things harder."

Artemis's eyes traveled to an end table beside the entertainment center where a picture frame had carelessly been knocked faced down onto its surface. On the other side of the black frame was the face of her beloved. Her Wally.

Her chest constricted painfully as his name floated through her mind. She had refused to speak his name or listen to the sweet sound of it ever since he'd left her alone in such a big and lonely world. It was sad in her opinion. After all, she withstood bullets and participated in hand-to-hand combat on a daily basis without getting a scratch on her, but five little letters formed a name that had enough powers to bring her to her knees in tears. Her father would laugh at her emotions, her pain and turmoil. He found such actions to be weak and useless after all, that much she learned at an early age.

Shaking her head out of her sad thoughts, the archer's eyes traveled to her school binder laying atop the coffee table. She went to reach for it, only to wind up knocking the remote onto the floor. The remote skidded across the hardwood floor and under the couch, pulling a curse through the blonde archer's lips. She released another curse as she got onto her knees and reached underneath the couch, only instead of coming in contact with the remote, they came in contact with a loose sheet of paper. Artemis raised an eyebrow as she slid the paper from underneath the couch and into her possession. She stood to her feet and looked over the piece of paper.

The words on the paper were definitely written in Wally's handwriting, but the words at the top of the sheet of notebook paper are what made her heart hurt the most.

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