chapter one finding him

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Tora's pov

I count the bricks every step in till I reach the fairy tail guild I want to find my brother but he doesn't know I'm looking for him he got banished to the human world 3 years ago. I look up to see a blue flag with the fairy tail symbol on it. A pice of my orange hair falls in my face over my blue tinted glasses the hat I'm warning doesn't keep it in place. I turn the hat around so the strap is on my forehead and walk up the steps. My brother is only a year older then me we'll in human years he is a Celestial spirit the all and mighty Leo the lion. I always called his Raion when we were little but he always looked sad when he saw me and only very once in a wile did I see him so he probably doesn't remember me I'm a tiger so my power is nothing special. I push the heavy door open to see my brother with a lot of girls I throw up in my mouth a little and walk over two him the girls watch me he starts to say something I slap him in one motion the guild goes quit as he stands up.

" you make me sick raion " I say as walk out the door all the girls look at him as he holds his face and drops to his knees and cry's the door slams behind me.

Leo's pov

I hold my hand to my face where my sister slapped me I feel so bad the fist thing she says to me in 3 years is you make me sick.

"Loki are you ok " Lucy says the guild surrounds me as they all ask why and who was that.

Natsu says "what did you get her pregnant or something ." That sent me over the edge I stood and grabbed him by the neck he is gasping for air

"How dare you say that I will kill you " I screem I burst into yellow flames.then grey punches me in the stomach and I fall to the ground letting go of Natsu

I sit with my legs folded with my hands over my face and I cried.

Natsu pov

I rub my throat and wach Loki cry what did I say the others when's back to what they were doing and Lucy was trying to comfort him grey was freaking about noticing he had no clothes on I wached as Loki calmed down and stood up and whet to the bar.

Leo's pov

I can still feel the sting of were my sister slapped me and why, is it because I was banished I don't know I got up and took a few steps to the door as I opened it three girls were asking me questions

" err just go away " that made them cry and I walked past them she had to be around hear somewhere.

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