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My alarm blasts the song of it's people obnoxiously into my ear.

"All right, you can shut up now." I say, slamming a hand on the silencer. I scavenge around for my glasses for a while, before sliding them up my nose.

Still weary from slumber, I stumble downstairs to get breakfast. 

"Hey kiddo." Dad says, brushing a kiss on top of my head.

"Kiddo? Really? Are we in an 80's sitcom now?"

He laughs. "Someone's in a delightful mood today."

I dump some cereal into a bowl and pour milk in afterwards. "Nah, I'm just sick. Severe case of Mondayitis. I think I have to stay home."

"Nice try."

Grumpily, I chew through my food, then go up and brush my teeth. By the time I open my wardrobe doors, I'm six minutes late. I hate being late. I pull on a white vintage red polka-dot dress, black flats, and a trench coat the colours of cherries. Yanking my hair into a haphazard ponytail, I sling my Hogwarts tote onto my shoulder, grab my lunch from the fridge, kiss dad goodbye and rush outside. As per usual, Maxwell is already waiting, his age-old beetle humming gently. Max has been my friend since we were three, thirteen whole years. He has shocks of black hair that's never tame, and large brown eyes that look as though they're trying to swallow you whole.

"Hi." I say huffily, slamming the front door closed.

"Hey Ice Queen." That's his nickname for me. Apparently, I have no feelings. 

"just drive."

For the second time today, someone laughs at me. Nevertheless, he floors the gas and we speed towards the school. With barely four minutes to spare, we both jog. Me with some difficulty, because flats and gravel do not go very well together. I hurriedly grab my English books from my locker and head to class. At least I have my favorite subject first. There's just something about words on a page that makes everything seem better. I give my teacher, in which she returns, upon entry, settling down in my usual seat at the front. With two seconds on the clock, Jax Coleman and Devon Anderson waltz in, hand-in-hand. They're the school's 'it' couple. Captain of the football team, head cheerleader. Makes me want to barf. Devon gives me a greasy and smirks, and I pointedly ignore her. 

"Already class, settle down." Says Mrs. Eagleshaw. "That's it.

"I want to congratulate everyone on their submission of the Nature assignment we did a fortnight ago. All of you did exceptionally. But, as it always is when you're sixteen, a new assignment is taking residence." As always, Mrs. Eagleshaw is talking with an air on theatricality. I smile into my palm, while the rest of the class groans with anticipation.

"Oh hush, youngsters, I've decided to take pity on you. You'll be working with a partner,"

Devon leans over and whispers loudly to whom I presume is Jax. "Do you want to write erotica, based on our true events?"

I can practically hear his smirk from over here.

"Of whom I'll chose." Says Mrs. Eagleshaw with veiled anger. She hates being interrupted. That's one thing I pride myself on. Writing so many stories, and reading them, has led me to become an expert on interpreting facial, verbal, and bodily expressions. 

More groans arise from the class, but for me, it's all the better. I don't really have friends in this class, just casual acquaintances. The teacher begins partnering off everyone, purposely, I guess, putting Devon with the nerdiest boy she can find. In this case, It's Michael DeGraves. Something tells me he'll be writting this paper alone. When she gets to Jax, she looks around the room, eyeing off the people who haven't yet been chosen.

"Alright then, how about Jax and... Serenity? Yes, I think that'll do nicely!"

Oh crap.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2014 ⏰

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