When i found two mr dream guy

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A simple and not so pretty girl
That's how my friends describe me
I'm great in giving advices about love about making relationships works
That's why I have lots of friends but never had a boyfriend
But it all change when I join the badminton club
Everyday after class we have a practice

My first day in joining this so called
The famous badminton club
Nine of us join the try-out
We do what varsities do except of playing it on the court it is so tiring and I'm bit nervous cause all the seniors are all good looking and so kind specially jess  he has that smile that completes my day
But his so popular to the girls makes it really impossible for him to notice me
But there's also this guy who hates tweety bird where there is a time when someone wears  a tweety bird shirt he makes her change this guy is so very impulsive makes it really scary to join there team
The second day nine went down to two
I'm thinking of quitting it to since they all quit
But because of jess it so hard for me to quit I make it a habit to see his face after class and just to talk to him even just a few words it's like I'm in cloud nine
Even though I also see him with there girl team mates how they cuddle and laugh they like family and look like couple too, it really makes me jealous how can I avoid him how can I advice myself to stop having feelings with someone who is very impossible to notice my feelings
I'm good at advising others but how is it my heart won't follow me

How can I creat a perfect love story for me
If a met a guy whose blind to see me


I expect we talk like this

Jess: hey joy
Joy: yes?
Jess: come here


Jess: Joyce
Joyce: yes?
Jess: let's talk
Joy:( I taught its me )
Joyce: coming


Joy:hello jess
Jess: hi joy


Joy:( can't even look)
Jess: (smile)

What pathetic I'm I
I want to advice myself to just focus on training to be good in it so he can notice me but
So pathetic when I see him my feet won't even make a step so hopeless

Every practice I always stare at him and I'm scared someone might notice me

One day our couch came telling the news that his younger brother will join the team
All the members were so happy hearing the news
Because couch brother is a great player

But me hearing it make me wonder what kind of guy he is

Meeting him


Joy:hello nice to meet you
Jim: (snob)


Jim: hello I'm Jim
Joy: I'm joy
Jim: nice to meet you joy

I didn't really think he will talk to me


Jim: are you idiot can't even hit that right
Joy: sorry


Joy: sorry i made a mistake again
Jim: no worries practice makes perfect just practice more and concentrate
Joy: (smile)

Because of Jim I hardly notice jess
But it all change because of one message

Oh my dream man Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora