Chapter 1 :Han river

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Jisoo's POV
I looked outside my window and noticed the rain outside. I received a text from my boyfriend asking to meet beside the Han river. I felt lazy to go but I felt this was urgent.

I slammed my front door and began to walk. I saw him waiting beside the river and I walked towards him.
"Let's break up my feelings for you aren't true it was a bet, i'm sorry" Jaeyoon says (from SF9)

I was confused and angry and soon I noticed him starting to run away. Tears soon then formed in my eyes as I was chasing him desperate for a better reason for our breakup. I suddenly slipped and fell into the river. I was drowning and struggling to get back out of the water.

I closed my eyes excepting my faith and I suddenly saw a hand but soon then everything went black.

Jin's POV
I was walking home from work and I saw this girl slipping into the river.
I immediately jumped into the river to save her. She wasn't breathing I started to panic so I called the Ambulance. They said they would take a while so I started to perform CPR on her. Thank god for those medical classes I took.

Jisoo's POV
I woke up and I was in the hospital.
"What am I doing here, Am I in heaven?"  I said. The doctor laughed and replied "No miss you slipped into the Han river and this man pulled you out of the water". He pointed to a tall friendly man in the corner.

My mom rushed into the room and said "MY CHICHU ARE YOU OKAY?". I replied with a nod. "I'LL BRING YOU SOME CHICKEN OKAY? I'LL BE RIGHT BACK STAY HERE DON'T MOVE" my mom says and quickly exits the room.

The man whispers to the doctor and is about to leave the room. I quickly shouted thank you and he nodded and ran. I ran after him because I wanted to thank him properly but he was so fast I couldn't catch up.

This is my first time writing a fanfic sorry if it's cringey :)

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