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The characters used in this SM FanFiction are:

IG: @persassy.forever
SC: @annabeths_seaweedbrain
YT: Percyissocoollike

Second IG: @ihatespiderman
SC: @percys_wisegirl
YT: YourAverageDaughterOfAthena

IG: @pipesmclean
SC: @pipesmclean
YT: PiperGrace

IG: @imbetterthanpercy
Second IG: @jasongrace2017
SC: @lightningmclean
YT: AmazingGrace

IG: @imhazellevesque10
Second IG: @deathsdaughter
SC: @imhazellevesque10
Second SC: @itsmyfrank
YT: ImHazelLevesque
Second YT: MoreFrazel

IG: @thegreatcanadian
SC: @thegreatcanadian
YT: FrankTheGiantGoldfish

IG: @leo.mcshizzle
SC: @yougottalovecaleo
YT: HotStuffLeo

IG: @superperfectqueenreyna
SC: @reyna.theroman
YT: SuperPerfectQueenReyna
Second YT: TheIHateOctavianSquad

IG: @ghostking2017
SC: @ghostking2017
Second SC: @sunshine*
YT: GhostKing2017
Second YT: HappyMealsandMythoMagic

IG: @sunshine
Second IG: @the_nico_protection_squad
SC: @sunshine
Second SC: @the_nico_protection_squad
Third SC: @ghostking2017
YT: SunOfApollo

*Will and Nico share their Snapchat accounts with each other.

Send me your character info (personality, appearance, name, parent, etc.) if you'd like a character in this FanFiction.

This FanFiction is currently after the war, but before Trials of Apollo. (But Leo is alive)

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