before you read°

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I'm not sure where I'm going with this story so I'm not sure there will be any triggers at that BUT if there is, I'll make sure to put a little mark at the beginning of the chapter to warn you guys. There will be cursing though, if that's even a trigger for anyone??? I do suggest people over the age of 14 read this but if not, read at your own risk.

Sexual content.
Self harm mentions.


Please be nice to everyone, don't argue. I don't want to come on to people going at each other and please be nice to the author (me). It does hurt and offend me when I see people RUDELY pointing out my mistakes and flaws with the writing and the work i do. I know, i don't write too good but please bare with me, I'm trying.

Also: this is a rewrite from my first story on here called 'kik' but it's going to be just a tad different.. less cringy, I should say.


There MIGHT be mpreg but I'm not too sure I want that? I will decide as the story goes on. You may state your opinions about it but don't be rude about it. Everyone should be treated as equals for their opinions.

Some of the words used in here are HARSH but it's a fanfic. I don't think of some of these things personally, I promise you that.


This is my story, this is my idea. Please do not steal the idea or the storyline of it. Just don't copy, I work hard on my writing and I'd hate for someone to rip it away from me.


Edited chapters will have a • mark in the chapter title. If it's not edited and you notice a mistake, you can point it out by messaging me or commenting about it. I don't mind.


Please come to me and ask for permission. I'll add them to a little list of mine if I do allow it. Thank you.


You may continue on now. I hope you like it.

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